Can there be a Female Gaze?
“Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” by Laura Mulvey The gaze in Hollywood cinema can only be male. Aim of this paper is to explore the possibility of a female gaze.
Laura Mulvey
The Piano – Jane Campion
Painful and harmful shoes
Body Piercing
Voyeurism Voyeuristic visual pleasure is obtained through objectification of the female image..
Woman as Bearer of the Bleeding Wound She only exists in relation to castration Woman stands as signifier for the male other
One of the pleasures that Mulvey describes, which takes women as objects and controls them with the ‘gaze.’ This creates pleasure for the male spectator, and for the woman spectator as well as she internalizes the message of being- looked-at-ness. Scopophilia
Fetishism “builds up the physical beauty of the object, transforming it into something satisfying in itself” The woman becomes an icon
Patricia Mellencamp
Dr. E. Ann Kaplan, Professor at Stony Brook
Sigmund Freud
Nancy Chodorow, Professor of Sociology at Berkeley
Mothers and Daughters
Oedipus Complex
Jessica Benjamin, Psychologist
Jessica Tandy
The Color Purple
Thelma and Louise
American Gigolo
Blue Steel