Park Ridge Counseling and Guidance Program
The mission of the counseling at Park Ridge Elementary School is to provide services and support to ensure, advocate for and maximize success for ALL students to achieve their full potential. We will facilitate students’ opportunities to learn and develop in a supportive environment of communication, encouragement and respect. We will provide a comprehensive, responsive and developmentally appropriate program in which students learn to understand and apply effective strategies in the educational, social/emotional and career preparedness domains.
What we do: Individual counseling Individual counseling Group counseling Group counseling Classroom guidance lessons Classroom guidance lessons Teacher/staff consultation Teacher/staff consultation Parent consultation and education Parent consultation and education Attendance monitoring Attendance monitoring Goalmakers program for individual goal setting Goalmakers program for individual goal setting Character Education Character Education Veteran’s Day and Military Family Support Veteran’s Day and Military Family Support Bullying Awareness and Prevention Bullying Awareness and Prevention Other School-wide programs Other School-wide programs
How we do it:
We CARE: C =Connect A =Appreciate Advocate Advocate R =Respond Respect Respect E =Empathize Evaluate Evaluate Explain Explain Elicit ideas Elicit ideas
We always try to HELP: H = Have a positive attitude E = Empathize L = Listen P = Problem Solve
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling SELF-REFERRAL Students use referral slips found in classrooms or on counselors’ door to request to speak with the counselor Students use referral slips found in classrooms or on counselors’ door to request to speak with the counselor Counselor will come to see student as soon as possible Counselor will come to see student as soon as possible If a student informs their teacher that it’s an emergency, we will be sure the counselor sees the student before the end of the day If a student informs their teacher that it’s an emergency, we will be sure the counselor sees the student before the end of the day REFERRAL BY OTHERS Parents, teachers or other staff members may request we speak with a child due to behavioral or emotional concerns Parents, teachers or other staff members may request we speak with a child due to behavioral or emotional concerns We never will insist that children speak to us if they are not comfortable We never will insist that children speak to us if they are not comfortable
More info on individual counseling: We will see students upon referral unless they have an Opt-out of counseling form on record We will see students upon referral unless they have an Opt-out of counseling form on record We will notify parents if concerns are severe or frequent We will notify parents if concerns are severe or frequent We believe in confidentiality and respecting the privacy of students We believe in confidentiality and respecting the privacy of students We will try to pick up students at a convenient time that minimizes the impact on instruction HOWEVER, sometimes we must see a student when we can see a student due to scheduling We will try to pick up students at a convenient time that minimizes the impact on instruction HOWEVER, sometimes we must see a student when we can see a student due to scheduling Sessions with students are variable in length– depending on need Sessions with students are variable in length– depending on need
Group Counseling
Group counseling info: Counseling groups will be offered throughout the school year such as, Welcome Wagon, Changing Families, Learning to Say Goodbye, Deployment Days, Friendship, ADHD, and School Success Counseling groups will be offered throughout the school year such as, Welcome Wagon, Changing Families, Learning to Say Goodbye, Deployment Days, Friendship, ADHD, and School Success Groups will be formed with parent permission for participation Groups will be formed with parent permission for participation Students will be selected either by information sent to the entire population or by individual recommendation Students will be selected either by information sent to the entire population or by individual recommendation Most groups are weekly half-hour sessions for 6 weeks Most groups are weekly half-hour sessions for 6 weeks Groups will be scheduled at the least disruptive time possible Groups will be scheduled at the least disruptive time possible Counselors pick up and return the students unless other arrangements have been made Counselors pick up and return the students unless other arrangements have been made
Classroom Guidance Lessons
Classroom Guidance The purpose is to explore topics that are relevant to the entire school population including skill building to enhance resilience and problem solving to provide a “language” that is used throughout the school to become a familiar face so that all students will feel comfortable seeking assistance when needed
Classroom Guidance Info: We try to schedule lessons approximately every third week We try to schedule lessons approximately every third week Kindergarten lessons are for 20 minutes Kindergarten lessons are for 20 minutes First and 2nd grade lessons are for 30 minutes First and 2nd grade lessons are for 30 minutes Third through fifth grade lessons are for 45 minutes Third through fifth grade lessons are for 45 minutes Though this provides teachers with time that they are not “center stage”, we do like them to be aware of what we are discussing for follow through, at least for the final 5 minutes so students can summarize the content. Though this provides teachers with time that they are not “center stage”, we do like them to be aware of what we are discussing for follow through, at least for the final 5 minutes so students can summarize the content.
Consultation Teachers, staff or parents are always welcome to come and talk with us Teachers, staff or parents are always welcome to come and talk with us Concerns over students will be kept confidential whenever possible Concerns over students will be kept confidential whenever possible Counselors are trained mental health professionals and can assist with personal concerns, finding resources, establishing goal plans and making referrals. Counselors are trained mental health professionals and can assist with personal concerns, finding resources, establishing goal plans and making referrals. Long term therapy is NOT one of the roles of a school counselor. Long term therapy is NOT one of the roles of a school counselor.
Attendance Common sense says that greater attendance contributes to greater achievement Common sense says that greater attendance contributes to greater achievement Students who are chronically absent, late or dismissed early often miss vital information but also feel less connected to the school environment and their peers Students who are chronically absent, late or dismissed early often miss vital information but also feel less connected to the school environment and their peers Counselors attend a monthly team meeting, to address excessive absences Counselors attend a monthly team meeting, to address excessive absences Letters go home to parents, sometimes inviting students to participate in an Attendance Club Letters go home to parents, sometimes inviting students to participate in an Attendance Club
School-wide programs PRIDE school wide positive behavior program and recognition PRIDE school wide positive behavior program and recognition Bullying awareness and prevention Bullying awareness and prevention Red Ribbon Week- focus on making safe and healthy choices Red Ribbon Week- focus on making safe and healthy choices Career Day Career Day Veteran’s Day Celebration Veteran’s Day Celebration Character Education Recognitions on the PRIDE Word of the Month Wall of Honor Character Education Recognitions on the PRIDE Word of the Month Wall of Honor
If you’re weary……. Like a bridge over troubled waters….. Like a bridge over troubled waters….. You’ve got a friend! You’ve got a friend!