Support Services
Provide information regarding the staff members who will be supporting students’ SEL growth; Provide information on behaviors and changes you might see during middle school; Offer Ideas and Suggestions on how to “Survive Middle School.”
Lori Rader6 th Grade Counselor Erica Eysturlid7 th Grade Counselor Jennifer Thompson8 th Grade Counselor Lisa SjordalSocial Worker Liz YankeSocial Worker Kristi ReaganPsychologist Jen NoltenPsychologist Shanna LewisAssistant Principal
Developmental activities Academic and social/emotional support Individual and Group Counseling Consultation with parents and staff members Resource referrals Teach and support students re: social emotional skills Individual and Group Counseling Behavior Intervention Consultation Evaluation of students’ academic, behavioral and emotional functioning Consultation with teachers, parents and outside service agencies
Don’t worry we have changed too…
Miss Lewis: “ Can you tell me what happened at recess and why you were arguing?” Student : “ Me and my best friend ‘Joey’ were just joking around.” Ms. Lewis : “What is Joey’s last name?” Student: “Ummm… I am not sure?”
Cell Phone, Camera and Internet usage – School resource officer programs 6: Cyber Bullying and Online Gaming 7: Texting 8: Social Networks Our experience at school Jurisdiction, impact at school Monitoring Know how your children are using these things
Every student will be assigned a locker. Practice with a lock over the summer. Locker assistance is available during orientation and the first weeks of school.. Do not share them, or the combination. Locker shelves.
If you have any concerns call right away. Need to get school’s perspective of what we observe. Work together to solve problems. Communication is key.
Educate yourself Think Back Set Expectations Pick Your Battles Talk to your Child Respect your child’s privacy Monitor what your kids see and read Model the qualities you want your child to have Stay involved and interested Try not to take things personally Show affection Be consistent
Green folder will come home with students next week. Directions in folder Need to know how to get on your Infinite Campus account. For assistance contact the district at or Needs to be completed and turned in to your child’s teacher prior to visiting LJHS the week of April 25 th.
LJHS visits 5 th graders Tuesday, April 19 th 8:30am Maplebrook Tuesday, April 19 th 10:15am Kingsley Friday, April 22 nd 9:30am Elmwood Elementary schools visit LJHS Monday, April 25 th Maplebrook Tuesday, April 26 th Kingsley Wednesday, April 27 th Elmwood