2 ND BN JROTC “Fighting Irish” Lafayette High School Staff Meeting #1 17 AUG rd Brigade JROTC
Agenda Introduction BN Staff/Structure Staff Slides and Updates Closing Comments BC
Executive Officer C/MAJ Battalion Commander C/LTC Command Sergeant Major C/CSM Provost Marshal C/MSG S-2 C/2LT S-3 C/CPT S-4 C/2LT S-5 C/2LT CEO C/MSG Assistant C/MSG Assistant C/MSG Assistant C/MSG Assistant C/MSG Assistant C/MSG S-1 C/2LT Battalion Staff/Structure Assistant C/MSG A-CO C/CPT C/1SG B-CO C/CPT C/1SG C-CO C/CPT C/1SG D-CO C/CPT C/1SG F-CO C/CPT C/1SG E-CO C/CPT C/1SG HONOR-CO C/CPT C/1SG
Purpose: To Improve JROTC Fighting Irish Battalion and Lafayette High School Expectations: –Increase JROTC BN size by 10% –Improve School Discipline –Improve BN Communications –Improve Drill Hall –Develop Honor Guard –Improve School Reputation Introduction to Continuous Improvement Project Draft
Results of Improvement Plan TBD
Commands the battalion Ensures that staff members are capable and that they understand their responsibilities Makes operational decisions for the battalion Responsible for all the battalion does or fails to do Coordinates battalion activities with school authorities Ensures feelings of mutual respect and confidence between the staff and companies Battalion Commander
Performs duties as the Chief of Staff Takes charge when the Battalion Commander or DCO is absent Responsible for staff actions Trains the staff Keeps the Battalion Commander informed of all battalion activities Battalion Executive Officer
XO Status TBD
Assists and advises the Battalion Commander on matters pertaining to the corps of cadets Assists instructors with management of all JUMS activities and supply functions for the cadet battalion Assists instructors with all aspects of public relations and technology for cadet battalion Assists the SAI in special projects Battalion Provost Marshal TBD
Grade and Discipline Report TBD
PM Status TBD
Senior enlisted advisor to the Battalion Commander Supervises all NCO’s in the Battalion Supervises Color Guard Assists in the formation of the Battalion Plans Cadet of the Month boards Ensures that classrooms and offices remain organized Battalion Command Sergeant Major
CG/DT Status TBD
Manages promotions, demotions and awards Maintains all cadet files Responsible for all cadet records Electronically maintains files on JUMS Keeps track of all published orders Battalion Adjutant Officer S-1
Current Personnel Status 100 Cadets Total 98 Cadets enrolled traditionally 2 Hillyard cadets 98 Cadet entered in JUMs Graduated last year Seniors, promoted next grade to others. Beginning position inputs, need accurate tracking from CO’s
BN Finance Report TBD
S1 Status TBD
Conducts periodic inspections of the supply and storage areas to ensure security Maintains log of all Community Service Hours Informs S-1 on all Community Service Awards to be given to cadets Battalion Security Officer S-2
Inspection Status TBD
Responsible for Training Schedules Coordinates all competitive events Keeps the commander advised on the progress of training within the battalion Keeps calendars up to date Coordinates special events (parades, fundraisers, etc.) Battalion Operation and Training Officer S-3
Calendar TBD
Event Status 5 Events entered in JUMs. Current End of Year points = Upcoming Events, Training, Activities, Taskings? TBD
S3 Status TBD
Responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issuing, and turn-in of all US Government property Coordinates physical security with the S-2 Maintains accountability of supplies on the JUMS system Provides supplies for competitions and other events Battalion Supply Officer S-4
Issue/Turnin Status TBD
Order Status TBD
Writes media releases for newspapers and radio Coordinates the bulletin boards with the Command Sergeant Major Handles photography duties Primary JROTC point of contact for school yearbook Battalion Public Affairs Officer S-5
S5 Status Monthly News Letter Status Hits on Facebook Group Hits on BN School Webpage Picture Operations School Newsletter/Article Newspaper Submissions Year Book
S5 Status TBD
Battalion CEO
Computer/Website Status TBD
CEO Status TBD
“The only thing needed for the Triumph of Evil is for Good men to do nothing.” - Edmond Burke HOOAH!