Obtaining Discretionary Effort from Your Staff Phillip Rosebrook JR, CR Business Mentors
Definition dis · cre · tion · ar ·y adj 1.giving somebody the freedom to make a decision according to individual circumstances 2.given according to the merits of an individual case, rather than being provided or awarded automatically 3.able to be used as desired without any stipulations My Definition: Anything more than what is required for employment
Reality Check Finding and keeping good people #1 problem in most restoration companies Gross margins are more difficult to maintain Competition is more sophisticated Vendor programs are increasing work complexity and administrative burden There is competition for good people
Where to Start? Right people Right system Give tools to succeed Provide feedback
Hiring Proper screening process Good advertising Good people are working - find them Selection and interviews Always check references Performance expectations Job descriptions Quantifiable benchmarks
More on Hiring Vision Involve your team Testing - Fit for position Your professional network Finder’s fee to your staff Your Website Social media Online advertising Your clients Subcontractors Your marketing team Your Top ideas?
Onboarding Company overview Admin needs - Paperwork History Philosophy Credo/mission/vision/Goals etc People want to be part of something big Communicate company purpose Link paycheck with purpose Introductions, overview, tour, roles and responsibilities Customer service Handbook and policies
Onboarding Position Duties Position Job description Position KPI Skills training Reets Academy RestorationTrainingOnline.com Feedback loop Career development and upward mobility Formal Mentoring Company library Solid internal training Program and expectations for outside training
Orientation Period Defined Feedback time Are they a good skills fit? Attitude Character Do they fit in? On-time Efficiency and effectiveness After 30 days ask their opinion * Business Journal – April “clarity of expectations is perhaps the most basic of employee needs and is vital to performance.” * expectations is perhaps the most basic of employee needs and is vital to performance.
Invest in Your People “The growth of your company is tied directly to the growth of your people. By helping the people that work for you become so good at what they do that they become indispensible, you will not only boost productivity, you will gain loyalty.”
Feedback 30/60/90 Reviews Annual performance appraisal Upward appraisals Formalized process Consistency & Commitment
Informal Feedback Recognize worthwhile achievement Praise publicly and often Become a cheerleader Criticize privately MBWA
Communication Company Meetings One of the most important team building opportunities Overlooked element of organizational dynamics Listen to your employees Recognition Do what you say you would do Conviction “What you do speaks so loud, I cannot hear what you are saying.”
Company Meetings Company business Vision Goal updates Divisional reports Upcoming activities New staff Introductions Victories Upcoming activities Recognition and celebration Make it fun - Celebrate
Events Create social events Involve families Community service Reward for goal achievement Make work fun and foster relationships
Divisional Communication Team involvement Internal training Project reviews and assessment Divisional performance & challenges Team building Social opportunities Lunch as a reward Names, slogans, etc
Upward Mobility Allow staff to see a future Training opportunities Continuous learning Invest in your people Post openings Explain steps to move up Beware of The Peter Principle
Compensation Pay is important but not the most Pay at least average but not too much Beware of wage escalation Provide incentives Make measurements clear Easy to understand Update status often Pay what you commit to
Company Culture Just the way we do things ‘round here Service and quality Provide work that employees are proud of Exceptional service can be a sustainable advantage Makes work fun How does your company “feel”
What Employees Want What Employees Think 1.Full appreciation for work done 2.Feeling “in” on things 3.Sympathetic help on personal problems 4.Job security 5.Good wages 6.Interesting work 7.Promotion/growth opportunities 8.Personal loyalty to workers 9.Good working conditions 10.Tactful discipline Whgat Bosses Think 1.Good wages 2.Job security 3.Promotion/growth opportunities 4.Good working conditions 5.Interesting work 6.Personal loyalty to workers 7.Tactful discipline 8.Full appreciation for work done 9.Sympathetic help with personal problems 10.Feeling “in” on things
Why the Disconnect?
Staff Quality of Life Issues “You cannot be at work thinking about home and at home thinking about work.”Zig Ziglar Financial education - Dave Ramsay Insurance Tuition reimbursement programs Scholarship program Counseling services
Leadership Positive Passion Great communication skills Smile and have fun Admit your mistakes Humility Be a good citizen Be a person of virtue and company with values
What Kind of Boss Would You Want?
Benefits Longevity and experience New staff in tight labor markets Free agents gravitate to winning teams Better customer service Ever ask a carpenter to clean a wall or extract at 2:00 AM? Improved margins Employees work FOR your success
Your Obligation as an Employer Your family Employees families Healthcare Retirement Children’s education Citizen of your community Provide return for company stakeholders
Results Create a truly exceptional company Create a legacy for your family, your employees and your community Add value to your business Obtain discretionary effort from your staff Lower stress Peace of mind Work becomes more fun