Students Name: ………………………………………………………………….. Core Math's Exchange Rate J Clayden & London Core Maths Hub
Topic Core Maths – Exchange Rate Aims Test knowledge of various subjects Formative learning Level Level 3 Method Exchange Rates (Core Maths) questions, handouts for Students to complete and hand back into the teacher/tutor. Equipment Laptop/Projector Pens/Pencils Printer Duration Minutes
Core Maths Exchange Rates 1)Marina is shopping in Canada. She sees a pair of shoes priced at $50. She uses her phone to look up the exchange rate and finds that £1 is worth 1.79 Canadian dollars. Roughly how much do the shoes cost in pounds? Can you find two prices in pounds that the cost must be between? (3 marks) OCR style 2)You want to change £200 to euros. The bank buys at euros to the pound, sells at and only pays out in €10 notes. How much will you need to change? (3 marks) OCR style
Core Maths Exchange Rates Worksheet
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