The Circulatory System Ch. 46
Circulatory System Two Systems make up the Circulatory System: 1. Cardiovascular system: the blood, heart, & blood vessels. 2. Lymphatic system: the lymph, lymph nodes, & lymph vessels.
Cardiovascular System Functions: 1. Transports nutrients, hormones, & gases. 2. Remove wastes. 3. Help maintain a constant body temperature.
Lymphatic System Function: part of the immune system; trap and filter pathogens; collect excess fluid (lymph). Lymph nodes (mini filters) store lymphocytes.
Circulation Pattern & Heart Structures -Pattern of Flow Video Clip
Heartbeat Control Sinoatrial Node (SA Node) located in the right atrium. “pacemaker” Atrioventricular Node (AV Node) located in the upper septum.
Vital Signs: 1. Blood Pressure: pressure of the blood exerted in the arterial walls. -systolic pressure- when the ventricles contract -diastolic pressure- when the ventricles are relaxed Movie Clip 2. Pulse: Pressure waves in arteries from contraction of the left ventricle. 3. Respiration Rate 4. Temperature
Blood Vessels Arteries Arterioles Capillaries Venules Veins
Patterns of Circulation Pulmonary Circulation Coronary Circulation Hepatic Portal Circulation Renal Circulation
Flow of Blood
Blood (Ch. 46.2) Parts of the Blood: 1. Plasma- liquid part of the blood, mostly water. Carries nutrients for the cells. 2. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)- transport oxygen & carbon dioxide. Formed in the red marrow of cells. -Hemoglobin- transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. -no nuclei -life span of days
3. Platelets- help form blood clots. -Fibrin (protein) is produced that forms a sticky web, forming a clot. Blood Clot Animation 4. White Blood Cells (leukocytes)- help defend the body against disease. -formed in the red marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen. -larger than RBC’s -can live many years -Antibodies & Phagocytes
Blood Types- A, B, O, AB -Antigens- protein or carbohydrate that signal the body that something foreign has entered it. -Rh factor- antigen present on the surface of RBC’s. Majority of humans are Rh +.
Diseases & Conditions Hypertension- high blood pressure. (Hauser!) Hypotension- low blood pressure. Atherosclerosis- buildup of plaque in the blood vessel walls of the heart. “Narrowing of the arteries.” Can cause blockages that can lead to a heart attack.
Structure of a Heartbeat