James 1:23-24 Jak 1;23-24
James 1:23-24 not DO James 1: Anyone who listens to the word, but does not DO what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
REFLECTION 1. Object of REFLECTION Mat 7:3-5 2. Object of REALITY 1Cor 13:12 3. Object of REVELATION 2 Tim 3;16-17
Chorus: I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change
… 2 BETEKENISSE / 2 MEANINGS I HAVE NEVER MADE A CHANGE BEFORE, and want to make one NOW I WANT TO MAKE A CHANGE, and this is gonna be FINAL, never to be repeated again ( ONCE AND FOR ALL) The WORD “MAKE” is a VERB, a DOING WORD …. ACTION WORD My THOUGHTS-my ACTIONS- my HABITS-my VALUES – my DESTINY "But be ye DOERS of the word, …Jam1:22-25
I MADE A DECISION - I’m gonna change My decision was based upon a PERCEPTION – I saw what the WORLD looked like ; BROKEN, LONELY, HURTING and NEEDY PEOPLE …. I WANT TO MAKE THAT WORLD a better place. I'm STARTING With The Man In The Mirror I'm Asking Him (THAT MAN)To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change
The Word of God is our mirror. Hebrews 4:12-13 tell us: "For the Word of God …..and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:12 ……en is ‘n beoordelaar van die oorlegginge en gedagtes van die hart. What REFLECTION do I see? What REALITY do recognised ? What REVELATION do I get ?
When you look into the natural mirror and see that something is wrong with your appearance, you will immediately decide upon a course of action to correct the problem. Luk 18: " - PHARISEE vs TAXCOLLECTOR Matthew 7:21-23 1 Cor 3:11-15, James - the man who is just a hearer = He sees that something needs to be done, but he only "sees" it….. IS JY IEMAND WAT ‘n VERSKIL KAN MAAK ?-
The Word of God reveals you just as you are; not your intentions, nor yet even your well wishes, but you as you are. Abraham - …. REALITY CHECK …I am a LIAR David – Man after God’s own heart … reality check …. I am an adulterer and a murderer Thomas- reality – I am a doubter Peter – reality check - I am someone who denies my Lord ( Repent Act 2:38 And Peter answered them, Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
2 Tim 3:16,17 = "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" Paul –Timothy "... continue thou in the things which thou hast learned...." 2 Tim 3:14 2Cor 3:18 2Cor 3:18 And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.
Rom 6:1 WHAT SHALL we say [to all this]? Are we to remain in sin in order that God's grace (favor and mercy) may multiply and overflow? Rom 6:2 Certainly not! How can we who died to sin live in it any longer? Rom 6:3 Are you ignorant of the fact that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Rom 6:4 We were buried therefore with Him by the baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious [power] of the Father, so we too might [habitually] live and behave in newness of life. Rom 6:5 For if we have become one with Him by sharing a death like His, we shall also be [one with Him in sharing] His resurrection [by a new life lived for God].