Earth observations for a Food Secure Africa From GEOGLAM to AfriGAM Terry Newby AfriGEOSS symposium April 2016, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
THE CHALLENGE World Food Production needs to increase by 70% by 2050 $20 Bil / year investment is needed in emerging economies to meet demand All possible technologies to be used to monitor cropping What about Fodder, Fuel & Fibre Climate variability and Change
Components of a CROP MONITORING SYSTEM An area estimation system (Crop Area) A crop type identification system A yield estimation system A crop condition monitoring system A planting progress system A harvesting progress system A seasonal outlook system An information distribution or access system A capacity development, training and awareness initiative.
The Solution Co-ordination Easy Data Access Sufficient Expertise / Capacity / Knowledge Maintained Infrastructure Information Dissemination in Support of Evidence based decision-making
GEOGLAM monitoring/crop-monitor/overview/en/ Two operational products Global Crop Monitor Early Warning Crop Monitor
GEOGLAM Objectives Enhancing national agricultural reporting systems (Capacity Development) Establishing a sustained international network of agricultural monitoring and research organizations and practitioners Operational global agricultural monitoring systems (satellite and in situ observations).
JECAM Convergence of approaches, develop monitoring and reporting protocols and best practices for a variety of global agricultural systems. 8 sites in Africa
AGMIP Crop modelling for CC
Sentinel 2 Agriculture Open source system Crop mask Crop type LAI, NDVI, Phenology Validation in process
CW4SA - Crop watch for South Africa AIRBUS / SANSA
SIGMA Developing Cropland mapping & Change Developing Crop production (Biophysical parameters) Environmental monitoring
IMAGINES Investing multi-sensor and multi-scale (300m & 30m) biophysical variables (LAI, FAPAR, FCover, Albedo) retrieval for Sentinel Developing qualified software Complement and contribute to the existing or future agriculture services in order to monitor the crop/fodder production together with the carbon and water fluxes. Demonstrating the added value of this contribution for a community of users acting at global, European, national, and regional scales.
Zone Scan / Crop Scan (Commercial Service)
AfriGAM – a proposal Purpose –Co-ordinate Ag monitoring in Africa –Share cutting edge technologies –Mutual capacity development –Liaise with GEOGLAM –Co-ordinate Afri-JECAM
Conclusion 1. Co-ordination 2. Cutting edge operational systems that are –Practical –Feasible –Affordable 3. Evidence based decisions
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