Individual Tier I/PEP
A plan for focused intervention that is tailored to address a specific student’s individual needs.
Diagnostic Page One Only do once no matter how many needs. Complete identifying information Attach Easy Grade Pro and/or documentation indicating current levels Request NCWISE reports from your NCWISE manager Complete hearing screening sheet Complete vision screening sheet Complete parent information
Service Descriptions Small Group Instruction - Student is provided instruction in a group of no more than eight students for 30 minutes or more on a regular basis. 504 Accommodations - Student has a current 504 plan that is being implemented. Speech/Language Therapy - Student is receiving regular speech/language services by a school therapist and/or therapist from outside the school. Occupational Therapy - Student is receiving regular occupational therapy services by a school therapist and or therapist from outside the school. Individual Instruction - Student is provided one-on-one instruction for 20 minutes or more on a regular basis. Community Services - Student is participating in a counseling program on psychosocial or emotional/behavioral issues with a community-based therapeutic provider during the regular school day or outside of the regular school day.
Service Descriptions Physical Therapy - Student is receiving physical therapy services by a school therapist and/or therapist from outside the school. Counseling - The student is participating in regular counseling on psychosocial or emotional/behavioral issues with a school based counselor during the regular school day. Before listing services, be sure to check with the school provider regarding confidentiality. Tutoring - Student is participating in an individual and/or group-tutoring program during the regular school day or outside of the regular school day. Math Lab - Student participates in a supplementary math program. Title I - Not applicable ESL/LEP/ELL - Student is identified as limited English proficient student and may or may not be receiving services. Reading Lab - Student participates in a supplementary reading program.
Needs Assessment Page Two New line of thought –Think about the area’s components/domains/function For example: –Problem: Alicia is struggling in the area of math. –Analysis: This difficulty is due to weak …. (problem-solving skills, arithmetic fluency, conceptual knowledge/number sense, or reasoning ability.)
Why? DPI clearly indicated that evidence based practices/programs address the 5 components of reading instruction and the 4 essential math domains. Therefore, we need to make sure that our intervention programs are addressing these components, domains, etc. See Comprehensive Assessment of Need: Indicators of Evidence Based Practices/Programs.
Guiding Questions for Defining Skill Area 1.In the area of (content, skill), peers are able to (What can they do?). 2.Compared to his/her peers (student) is able to (What can s/he do?). 3.How far off grade level (the learning gap) is (student) in this area? 4.Are there prerequisite skills that (student) must do in order to perform as well as his/her peers? 5.(If yes to #4) What skills can (the student) do and what skills is s/he not able to do? 6.Identify which skill(s) should be addressed. These do not have to be used. They are for support.
Guiding Insights Does it have endurance? –Is the skill needed over time? Does it have leverage? –Will proficiency in this skill help the student in other areas of the curriculum and other academic disciplines? Does it develop student readiness for the next level of learning? –Is it essential for success as the student moves through the curriculum and/or to the next level? These do not have to be used. They are for support.
How to determine what data can be used? Ask two questions 1.Does what I am using allow me to communicate details to parents? 2.Does what I am using allow me to give details when discussing the student with school teams? CBMs are good to use. To learn more about CBMs, review PowerPoint, which gives a summary of the book: The ABCs of CBM.
Do a separate needs assessment (page two) for each area of difficulty.
Area(s) Concern Page Two Check those areas that are affected by the identified need. –More than one area may be checked. –For example, if the student has a reading difficulty, that may be affecting the student in multiple areas.
Writing Goals Keeping in mind the rate at which the student’s peers are progressing, identify a timeframe for accelerating (the student’s) learning to the level of his/her peers. This becomes your long term goal. Using the long term goal as a guide, determine reasonable short term goal(s).
SMART Goal S - specific – Well defined. Clear to anyone that has a basis knowledge M - measurable –Concrete criteria for measuring progress A - attainable –Challenging, but not out of reach R - Realistic –Within the availability of resources, knowledge and time T - Timely –Grounded within a time frame
Suggested Guidelines Additional assistance for working through the PEP. Located on the wiki. Suggested Guidelines