PROPOSAL: A MEANING A proposal is an essential marketing document that helps cultivate an initial professional relationship between an organization and a donor over a project to be implemented. proposalorganizationdonor One have to make a winning business proposal in order to get financial support or getting help from prospective investor or client. The proposal should demonstrate the project will: Provide economic benefit to an area or a community Have a high probability of success Address a strategic priority Demonstrate need for financial assistance Be economically viable Have stakeholder support Be consistent with development strategies
Types of Proposal Choose the correct type of proposal (typical time) PresentationLength Colloquium1 hour 45 minutes Discussion Group45 minutes Hot Topic20 minutes Poster Session1 hour 15 minutes Practice-oriented Presentation45 minutes Research-oriented Presentation45 minutes Teaching Tip20 minutes Video and Digital Media Theater45 minutes Workshop1 hour 45 minutes
HOW TO WRITE WINNING PROPOSAL Title Page: The first page of the proposal and often serves as the cover of the document. It should include: date, project title, project location, name of the organization; (e.g. proposal reference #) Table of Contents: Make it easy for readers to find the information they require. Each heading should be listed with its corresponding page number. Keep it a reasonable length. Appendices: Use appendices to avoid crowding the body of the proposal and maintain the narrative flow. Typical appendices include: material lists, engineering drawings, and letters of support.
CONTINUE… Length: The proposal should be focused and concise. The length will usually depend on the amount of resources being requested. Lay out: The margins, spacing, fonts, headings, and numbering should be consistent throughout the document. Writing: Sentence structure, grammar, and spelling should be checked. Footnoting & References: Footnote the source of quotes, statistics, and tables. Reference all sources of information used in the preparation of the document.
CONTENT OF PROPOSALS:- Project Schedule Project Background Goals and Objectives Partnerships Project Management Resource Allocation Marketing Plan Budget Other Financial Information Economic and Social Benefits
Proposal –Monitoring & Evaluation Monitoring, control, follow-up, and evaluation should be incorporated throughout the will need to comment on four aspects of monitoring and evaluation: 1)Project Monitoring: How project costs, quality, schedule, and scope will be monitored, controlled, and corrected if necessary. 2)Best Practices: How you plan to capture and record what you learn from your project so it can be applied in the planning and execution of future projects. 3)Accounting: The retention and recording of financial information. Accounting is very important to funding agencies. It must be transparent and accurate. 4)Project Output: Determining the success of your project’s end product. There should be emphasis on reporting the effects of the project on the target group (beneficiaries).
Factors Affecting Selection An important factor for the proposals team is balance. – Too many proposals on the same topic cannot all be accepted Proposals targeting certain demographics have a good chance of being selected. – There is a lack of good presentation content at the primary and secondary school level Well-written proposal summaries have a better chance of being accepted than poorly written ones Proposals by duos, groups, and teams of colleagues may take priority over those of showcasing only one person.
Factors Disqualifying a Proposal It promotes commercial interests. It doesn’t conform to the proposal guidelines. It is not received before the deadline. The same proposal is submitted to more than one Interest Section (IS) or more than once under different titles. The same proposal is submitted every year under different titles, and conference! Being a no-show at a prior conference.