Chapter 6 Final Exam Review
Can you comment on food? (p. 197) How would you ask a classmate how the ham and cheese sandwich is? –¿Qué tal está el sándwich de jamón con queso? How would you say they make very good fruit salad here? –Aquí preparan muy bien la ensalda de fruta. How would you say that you never order salads, that you dont like them? –Nunca pido ensaladas. No me gustan.
Can you make polite requests? (p. 198) How would you ask a classmate what he/she would like? –¿Qué deseas tú? How would you say that you would like a tuna sandwich? –Quisiera un sándwich de atún. How would you say that you want orange juice to drink? –Para tomar, quiero jugo de naranja.