Work Values and Organizational Effectiveness of Woman Public Administrators of Batangas Province: Inputs to Organizational Excellence Aurora B. De Castro
Introduction Various studies have addressed the relationship of the level of work values and extent of organizational effectiveness to organizational excellence. In view of this subject, recently, there are overwhelming evidences that institutions having women in leadership roles outperform those who don’t.
Men, it is claimed are too individualist, competitive and aggressive, too lacking in feminine interpersonal skills to lead n this new arena. The argument that women might be better leaders that men, over – emphasizes feminine relationship – building skills to the exclusion of masculine competitive instincts, because, there is no doubt that it is in the midst of unstoppable shift to more feminine leadership.
Considering the fast-growing entry of the women administrators in the province of Batangas administrative system, it appears that there is need to conduct more research on the administrative values of the province women administrators as to what extent these values are significantly different or not different, from those of the male administrators. In view of this study, the researcher aims to contribute to the affirmation and
strength of numerous global studies that work values of women public administrators influence to a great extent the organizational effectiveness of the different agencies they administer leading to organizational excellence. Likewise this research will support the strong advocacy for women empowerment and will undoubtedly prove that in this modern era efficient and excellent government functions can be attributed to feminism.
Objectives of the Study This study aims to determine the level of work values and extend of organizational effectiveness of women public administrators of the Province of Batangas compose of the three cities namely Batangas City, Lipa City and Tanauan City.
More specifically, (1) to describe the profile of the respondents; (2) to determine the level of work values of women public administrators of the Province of Batangas in terms of environmental, familial and managerial; (3) asses the extent of organizational effectiveness of women public administrators of Batangas Province on the criteria of leadership, strategic planning,
measurement, analysis and knowledge, human resource focus, process management and performance results; (4) test significant difference on the level of work values and organizational effectiveness when grouped according to the profile of the respondents; and (5) propose program towards the enhancement of organizational excellence.
METHODS The study made use of qualitative and quantitative method of research. The participants of the study are the 100% of women public administrators in the province of Batangas (37 from Batangas City, 35 from Lipa City and 36 from Tanauan City) Use the standardized instrument developed by Cervera (1987) the Filipino Work Value Scale (FWVS)
and standardized instruments developed by Malcom Baldrige on the extent of organizational effectiveness on the criteria a) Leadership b) Strategic Planning c) Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management d) Human Resource Focus e) Process Management and f) Performance Results.
Different statistical tools were used such as frequency distribution, ranking, weighted mean and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to answer the objectives of the study.
CONCLUSIONS 1. Majority of the female administrators are 46 to 55 years old, married, college graduate, working for 11 to 15 years under executive division. 2. Managerial values in the organization were considered very important work values while environmental and familial values were only ruminated as important.
3. Women public administrators from the three cities are being afforded with the same extent of organizational effectiveness on leadership as to a very great extent and process management to a great extent. 4. Educational attainment and place were considered an indicator of differences on environmental and managerial values. Whereas on organizational
effectiveness in terms of age and educational attainment were considered significant; length of service and place shows significant difference on while on measurement, analysis and knowledge management and process management. Likewise, place showed significant difference on the performance result. 5. A proposed program was formulated to enhance organizational excellence.
RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Local government units of Batangas Province such as Batangas City, Lipa City and Tanuan City may be more liberal and encouraging on the options of women public administrators to earn extra income for the support of their families which can be done through seminars and activities focused on legal and moral income generating activities which will not be in conflict with their administrative functions but will instead inspired them to maintain their administrative positions or even be promoted.
2. Expression of appreciation through rewards and recognition for prestige gained by women public administrators of Tanauan City from local and international award giving institutions may be continuously practiced to inspire and motivate them to effectively practice their administrative functions.
3. The Equipment and Procurement Office of Batangas City local government in coordination with the different government agencies must make recommendations on the procurement and availability of latest technology equipment and supplies that can expedite public service process management.
4. Lipa City local government may encourage and be supportive of family bonding activities of women public administrators with the end in view of attaining a peaceful, harmonious and happy family life in which the beneficiary of productive administrative disposition of women executives are the different local government agencies of Lipa City.
5. Administrative decisions of women public administrators may be harmonized to fully empower in the government. 6. Measurement of organizational effectiveness and its drivers may be facilitated to share understanding of the current reality and the key areas to focus in the government.
7. Alignment and engagement of employees to participate in focus groups and action-planning sessions to create shared understanding and engagement to contribute to the changes ahead may be practiced. 8. The proposed program may be tabled for discussion to create excellence performance in the workplace.