PSB Speakers of America CustomSound
The “dummying down” of sound quality Is there a solution? A Serious Challenge The PSB Answer In Room, In Cabinet, In Wall CustomSound – The Challenge
The Reference – Platinum The NRC Research Campus Laser Vibrometer, The Large Chamber CustomSound
The Conclusion The Technology and Resource Exists Implementation into the Real World Paul Barton and David Smith Welcome to the Future
Testimony “The T8’s deadly accurate, natural midrange response is clearly preserved in the cabinet mounted CHS80. Chris Lewis, Home Theater “At last true high end sound from an invisible speaker.” Chris Martens, The Perfect Vision “The CW383 responded admirably with a full-bodied voice and a composed character that sounded more like a quality bookshelf model.” Chris Lewis, Home Theater “The CHS 212 did an excellent job of avoiding the boominess and bloating caused by the adjacent boundaries – it was sharp and clean throughout, with a big attack and smooth natural decay…” Chris Lewis, Home Theater
In Room In Cabinet In Wall
Custom Hidden Solutions (CHS) CHS80 CHS60 Perforated Screen ResponseCabinet Response
Custom Hidden Solutions (CHS) Perforated Screen Response In Cabinet Compensation Boundary Control removes coloration Perforated Screen Installation Screen Switch Adjusts Loss Cabinet Response
Custom Hidden Solutions (CHS) Robust Cabinet Design 1” MDF Window Braced with Tongue and Groove Design CHS80 68lbs. each – CHS60 45lbs. Diminishes Interaction Resonance Isolation Feet Included Rolled Off at 32Hz / 38Hz CHS 40 Array Positioning CHS80 CHS60 CHS40
AudioPhile In-Walls (CW Series) Platinum “all the way” T8/CHS Enclosure Standards MTM Array “Series C Loading” – Flattens Bass Response CW800E
AudioPhile In-Walls (CW 383) Array Positioning (Center Channel) Voiced for Platinum, CHS, CW Series Midrange Chamber (critical) Platinum Xover Components Free Air Q.7 Designed for “Lossy” Enclosure Application CW383
AudioPhile In-Walls (CW 180R&S) Products to Compliment Platinum, CHS and CW Platinum Components “The Diffraction Factor”
Conventional Post Mounted Swivel Tweeter Large Peaks & Dips – Reverse Radiation
CW 180 SonicGuide Flatter and Consistent
CW 180 SonicGuide Response in Parallel at all Frequencies Xover Generates a Single Scenario Modification
Real “Hidden Bass” Increased Mass and Rigidity Reduces the Dependence on Enclosure Volume Hz Frequency Response Power 40 – 200 Watts CWS8
Real “Hidden Bass” 300 Watts Continuous Level, Low Pass, and Phase Control EQ and Frequency Management Music and Voltage Triggers Combo Pricing CWA-1