Cal State LA STUDENT HEALTH CENTER We care about your health! Phone: Location: Main walkway between the Career Development Center & La Kretz Hall Web:
Our mission is to help you stay healthy so that you can achieve your desired academic goals. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER FACTS SERVICE ELIGIBILITY Current enrollment with paid tuition and Student Health Services fee. Current authorization and consent for treatment. Current eligibility for Cal State LA Student Health Center services conveys eligibility for basic services at other CSU campuses. CONFIDENTIALITY – The Student Health Center protects the privacy of every student’s health information as required by federal and state law. FEE - An $82.50 Student Health Services fee is included with your tuition each semester. This allows us to provide services to you at no additional cost or at low cost. APPOINTMENTS – Students access our services by calling one of our appointment lines to schedule a visit. EXPRESS CARE – This walk-in option is for those requiring same-day or acute care.
HEALTH INSURANCE The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires almost all Americans and most immigrants to have health insurance. Payment of the Student Health Services Fee and resulting eligibility to use the Student Health Center does not qualify as a health insurance plan. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Health insurance coverage is recommended for all students. Health insurance plans under the ACA provide for essential health benefits and free preventive care. COVERED CALIFORNIA Covered California is California’s official ACA healthcare marketplace. It is an excellent resource to shop and apply for high-quality and affordable health insurance, including Medi-Cal. ▪ Open enrollment: Nov.-Jan. ▪ Special enrollment is available the remainder of the year for qualifying life events. ▪ Medi-Cal enrollment is available year-long. Visit
COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 2 nd Floor | SERVICES Confidential Provided by licensed mental health clinicians 10 visits per academic year Individual counseling Couples counseling Support groups Mental health workshops Mental health triage Mental health screenings Referrals Medication consultation Therapy Issues Adjusting to College | Coping with Stress | Improving Relationships | Surviving Grief & Loss | Body Image | Concerns about Drug and Alcohol Use | Questions about Sex or Sexual Identity | Dealing with a Traumatic Experience | Depression/Mood Concerns | Family Problems | Other Issues
PRIMARY CARE Basic outpatient primary medical care Onsite laboratory, pharmacy & x-ray Immunizations and TB screening Women’s and men’s healthcare Reproductive health care Specialty clinics (chiropractic, dental, massage therapy, nutrition, optometry & psychiatric clinics) Health promotion and education First Aid Medical Services Asthma | Cold & Flu | Contraception & Emergency Contraception | Diabetes | High Cholesterol | Hypertension | Obesity | Sexually Transmitted Infections | Sports Injuries | Thyroid Disease | Urinary Tract Infections | Other Conditions
OPTOMETRY CLINIC SERVICES OFFERED Complete refraction Glaucoma screening Evaluation for further treatment Single vision and bifocal eyeglass lenses A variety of frames Standard and disposable contact lenses Services are provided by a licensed optometrist. SERVICES OFFERED Bitewing x-rays Oral exams Teeth cleaning Written dental evaluation Limited cavity treatment and fillings Referrals Services are provided by a licensed dentist. DENTAL CLINIC
MASSAGE THERAPY SERVICES OFFERED Acupressure Zen Shiatsu Jin Shin Jyutsu 30-minute and 1-hour chair and table work are offered. Services are provided by a licensed massage therapist. Clients are fully clothed for all massages. CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS Improve movement, flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, posture and coordination Treat and prevent low back and neck problems, headaches, sleeping problems and digestive problems Care is provided by chiropractic interns under the supervision of a licensed chiropractor. CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC
NUTRITION CLINIC SERVICES OFFERED Nutrition counseling Diet analysis Body fat analysis Dietary supplement information Diet aid facts Services provided by Cal State LA Coordinated Dietetics Program Interns.
HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION 2 nd Floor | Confidential health counseling Health promotion and education programming CPR training Workshops Health resources Referrals Condoms and latex dams Services are provided by professional health educators. Health Issues Alcohol and Other Drugs | Contraception and Family Planning | Dating & Domestic Violence | Healthy Relationships | HIV Infection | Nutrition & Fitness | Sexual Health | Sexual Misconduct and Violence | Sexually Transmitted Infections | Sleep | Stalking | Stress Management | Other Health Issues
Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) INTERESTED IN A WELLNESS AND LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY? The Student Health Advisory Committee at Cal State LA is a representative group of students which serves to educate students about health and wellness, advocate for policies to benefit student health on campus, and empower students to be agents of change within the campus community. Education… Advocacy… Empowerment Become a Nationally Certified Peer Health Educator. Gain practical experience in outreach, event planning and program development. Learn about healthcare and attend health conferences. Be an advocate for student health on campus. FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Staff Advisor: Marisa Marcarello Student Health Center—Room 215
REGISTRATION HEALTH REQUIREMENT All new students are required to provide the Student Health Center with acceptable proof (i.e., a written document signed and dated by a licensed healthcare provider) of measles, rubella and hepatitis B immunization. Exemption Notice: The following students are exempt from this requirement: Students born in 1982 or later (1983, 1984, etc.) who attended a public school in California. Students born prior to December 31, Students Living in Cal State LA Housing Housing residents are required to provide the Student Health Center with a completed Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Questionnaire. In addition, residents must read, sign, and return to Housing Services a fact sheet on meningococcal disease. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please call Housing Services ( ) or the Student Health Center ( )
Talk to us for more information… P HONE : H OURS OF O PERATION M ONDAY -T HURSDAY : 8:30 AM – 5:45 PM F RIDAY 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM