Problem statement “India produces about 500, 000 engineering graduates every year. Of these only 25% are readily employable” How do we bridge this gap?
A solution Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) program A joint initiative by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Government of India and IIIT-Hyderabad (IIIT-H)
Objective To setup a teacher training program which will provide training to mentors who will train and mentor 12,000 students per year in engineering colleges to be industry-ready “ To setup a teacher training program which will provide training to mentors who will train and mentor 12,000 students per year in engineering colleges to be industry-ready ”
The Plan Design curriculum Develop content Identify participating engineering colleges Train the nominated faculty members Implement the training for students at the colleges Monitor the program at the implementing colleges
Program Delivery Content Development Training to faculty Implementing at colleges (training to students)
Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) Computational Thinking OOPs concepts through Java Data structures Linux Soft skills Productivity enhancement tools * 200 hours of engagement for the faculty/students
The Methodology Started with Herbert A. Simon’s research on Learning from Examples Outgrowth of learning research by Roger Schank Studies show: Only 10% material presented in class is retained by end of class Only 3% retained by the final exam Only 1% retained one year later Classes do not and cannot teach skills Imaging a lecture on how to ride a bicycle Jobs require skills … and that is our focus !!!
Lecture based and LBD – A comparison Lecture based teachingLearning by doing Grading mostly done on knowledge and retention levels Grading done on the application, analysis and the synthesis levels Student to faculty ratio is high.Student to faculty ratio is 10:1. This accounts for personalized mentoring which helps in students’ growth. Students handle multiple courses simultaneously Students work on one course at a time. This helps in immersive learning. Most of the learning is through lectures. Most of the learning is through application.
The content real world problems
Content Development Learners’ Profile Curriculum Module Listing ` Design AssessmentsDesign Instructional Activities Learning Objectives
Components Motivation Learning objectives Story line Role Scenario operations Resources Feedback
Data Structures – an example Learning Objectives Describe various data structures and algorithms Write programs to implement them Analyze the efficiency of the algorithms Instructional Activities Implement mini search engine Web crawling algorithms FSM parsing algorithm Inverted index data structure to store the web data Search algorithms for page retrieval EQUITEEC-Empower Yourself
Progress so far Trained 163 faculty members from 36 engineering colleges Commenced training for additional 75 faculty members from 18 engineering colleges Implemented the CIT program at 12 engineering colleges for 1165 students
Improvements planned Including advanced courses in the CIT program