In compliance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act.
McKinney – Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Protects homeless students’ rights and removes educational barriers caused by homelessness. Visit to read the law in its entirety.
H OMELESS L IAISON D UTIES In a nutshell… o Review student eligibility for McKinney-Vento status and services. (Qualify students for SIT) o Provide them with the services they are entitled to by law, and others that are available thanks to a grant and donations.
MV Rights: Enrollment Student may continue at school of origin -or- -or- Enroll at school of residence * Enrollment must be immediate, even without… o Birth certificate o Proof of residency o Vaccination record
MV Rights: School Meals Free Breakfast and Lunch
MV Rights: School Transportation *If requested by the parent, and feasible
Funds Permitting, SIT can provide: School Fees Kid’s Club Enrichment Classes Field Trips Dual-Tuition School Event Tickets Back Packs School Tools Toiletries *Athletic Equipment Household Products ScholarshipsSupplies Courtesy of the McKinney-Vento Grant and Donations
Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Who Are Homeless Children and Youths?
H OMELESS D EFINED Doubled-Up Living with others due to loss of housing or economic hardship. *Families that live together out of convenience or to just save money do not qualify.
H OMELESS D EFINED Transitional Housing Programs that provide temporary housing for people experiencing homelessness. Combines housing with wrap-around services to assist with developing stability in the residents’ lives.
H OMELESS D EFINED Unaccompanied Youths Children under 18 who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Sometimes referred to as run-aways or couch surfers. Occurs most often among individuals years old.
H OMELESS D EFINED Shelters Facilities that provide safe, temporary housing. While many accommodate “families,” some may only cater to specific populations. Examples: Single mothers with children Men only Victims of domestic violence Unaccompanied youths
H OMELESS D EFINED Inadequate Housing Individuals who are: On the streets In parks, campground or public places Vehicles Hotels/Motels Reasoning must be due to lack of alternative accommodations.
H OMELESS D EFINED Awaiting Foster Care Children who are wards of the state and have not been placed with guardians yet. **As of January 2017, this population will not be considered “homeless” and therefore not qualify for MV.**
Proof of Residency- desired, but not required. Requiring homeless parents to provide POR has been deemed a “barrier to enrollment and retention”, so we cannot REQUIRE these documents of MV students. However, you can ask for them, and if we do get them, great! N OTE FOR ATTENDANCE SPECIALISTS :
Low-income, by itself, is not a qualifying factor. SIT is for homeless students. Do Low-Income Families Qualify for SIT?
No. Being a free lunch recipient is not the same as being homeless. SIT is for homeless students. Do “Free Lunch” Students Qualify for SIT?
YES If you are experiencing any of the afore mentioned homeless situations, your K-12 student(s) will qualify for services at ANY public or charter school in the US. Can Students of District Employees Qualify?
It Depends. Items purchased with grant funds, such as clothing, school supplies and hygiene care are for SIT program students only. However, we partner with a couple organizations that provide assistance to any child in need. A list of resource agencies within 10 miles of our district can be found by visiting the SIT Homepage: Can SIT help students who are in need but not homeless?
C ONTACT Laura Walsh Homeless Education Liaison (480)