VENUES FOR TRAFFICKING AND COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION Venues Hotels Truck stops Travel plazas Private parties The stroll/ street Massage parlors Private residences Strip clubs Hidden brothels temporarily set up in make-shift bars Facilitated Through The Internet Escort services False-front businesses In-person solicitation
ONLINE ADVERTISEMENT DEBATES Craigslist history, debates, outcomes Backpage history, debates “Squeezing the Balloon”/ criminal displacement Encrypted sites Criminalization and revictimization, negative latent consequence of targeted efforts
INTERSTATE CIRCUITS Regional National Unpredictable Problematizes identification Movement is purposeful, cuts off individuals from family, friends, and home community
INTERNATIONAL PATHWAYS Source Countries Push and Pull Factors Sociological Factors International circuits Role of some U.S. Servicepersons
MEETING THE DEMAND? Venues with large numbers of men Oil Fields of North Dakota Sporting events Conventions Military bases Hotels near airports used by commuters Truck stops Agricultural fields with large numbers of temporary field workers Debates about whether this increases sex trafficking or not
STRUCTURE OF TRAFFICKING OPERATIONS Intricate organized crime rings, domestic and international Small-scale operations Individual business Criminal gangs
FACILITATORS Connectors Recruiters Groomers Watchers Bottoms These can be overlapping
QUOTA SYSTEMS Varies with operation Facilitators and survivors may have quotas Dollar amount varies Amount survivor keeps varies Food and shelter may be dependent on meeting the quote Not all operations use quota systems
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.Describe different types of trafficking operations evident in this chapter. 2. What are some limitations to identification that specific trafficking techniques pose? 3. What would be some creative ways of addressing such limitations, in terms of outreach to survivors?