“feel” the life of al Al capone The real life of machine gun Kelly How he escaped Alcatraz By: Allison, Jillian, Wynona The island where it all happened
Alphonse Capone aka, Al Capone was one of the American's best know criminals. Born on January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, new York. His parents new he wouldn’t be an obedient son ever since he was a little boy. As a kid Capone was a member of two gangs “Brooklyn rippers” and “ the 40 thieves”. When he was in 6 th grade age 14, Ale dropped out of school. as he grew into his teen years ale got a job as a bar tender, joined more gangs and robbed stores. When he was 19, he had a baby boy with Mae Coughlin on December 4, and they named him albert Capone. They called him sonny for short. Shortly after they got married on December 30 th. while working at an inn Capone received scars on his face resulting in the nickname scar face. Al is most famous for his murders. He has been charged with disorderly conduct, man slatter, and not paying his taxes.
Roy Gardner ( his real name) was one of the best escape artist in the world! He was born on January 5,1884, in Trenton Missouri, and grew up in Colorado springs. He was said to be attractive and very charming, standing he was just under 6 feet tall, with short curly auburn hair and blue eyes. He supposedly joined the U.S. army. He deserted the army in 1906 and drifted to Mexico. That’s were he started his criminal career. Eveanullty, Gardner ended up in san Francisco. He went to jail, again for robbing a store on market street but he was paroled because he saved a prison guard from a violent riot. He landed a job as a welder. Then he got married and had a baby girl! He was a famous for being the first guy ever to escape Alcatraz. He was there because he was robbing and escaping mc Neal island. Roy gardener
machine gun Kelly was born on July , in Memphis, Tenn. He was an American gangster. His real name is George Kelly Barnes but they call him machine gun Kelly because a Thompson submachine was him favorite weapon. One of his worst crimes was when he robed a bank and got away with 200,000 dollars. But he also got caught kidnapping. His parents weren't very good influences ether they both went to jail. He was married to Katherine Kelly. Machine gun Kelly spent 21 year in jail and deeded in Kansas jail of a heart attack. Machine gun Kelly
Where the worst of the worst criminals go. The most famous ones that were their were Machine gun Kelly, Roy Gardener, and Al Capone The rooms at Alcatraz (this was one of the nicer ones)