Earthquake happened in San Francisco, 1906.
1906 年旧金山大地震,发生于 1906 年 4 月 18 日清晨 5 点 12 分左右,芮氏规模为 7.8 , 震中位于接近旧金山的圣安地列斯断层上。 [1] 自奥勒冈州到加州洛杉矶,甚至是位 于内陆的内华达州都能感受到地震的威力。 这场地震及随之而来的大火,对旧金山造 成了严重的破坏,可以说是美国历史上主 要城市所遭受最严重的自然灾害之一 。
The listening text is an interview of a survivor of the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906.
My goodness! 天啊! terrified 恐惧的 rush 冲 brick 砖 horrible 令人恐怖的,可怕的
frighten vt, 使惊恐 He frightened the old man into giving him all the money. frightened adj, 受惊吓的 She was frightened by a dog. frightening 令人恐惧的 Please call the dog off. It’s frightening the children..
Listen to the tape and write down the main idea. You may think about: Who is speaking? Where was the person at the time? What did the person do?
Listen to the tape and then tell whether they are true or false. 1. The man was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake happened. 2. Many huge buildings were shaking – bricks were falling. F T
3. A lot of people were buried under the ruins. 4. Some cows were killed in the fire. 5. He felt safer because he got away easily. T F F
Listen to the tape again and in groups discuss these questions. 1. When did the earthquake begin? The earthquake began around 5 o’clock in the morning. 2. What did the speaker do after he woke up? The speaker rushed outside as he woke up.
3. What did he see and hear outside? When he got outside he thought the world had come to an end. He heard people crying and shouting. He saw people running everywhere and bricks falling down from buildings. There were big fires too.
4. What happened to the man next to him? The man next to him was killed by bricks falling from a nearby building. 5. How did he get away from the city? He got away from the city by boat. 6. Which of your adjectives describe the man’s feelings most closely? Very shocked, devastated.
Listening task on P66 Pre-listening Work in groups of four and discuss the best way to protect oneself if there was an earthquake. Look at the pictures and guess what the people are doing.
Pair work Talk about three things that you think are the most useful if an earthquake comes.
Listen to a dialogue between a teacher and her students and write down the three key words that they mentioned. 1 drop 2 cover 3 hold
2nd thing I must do: Make sure I hide under something like a table to protect myself from things falling on top of me. 3rd thing I must do: I must hold onto the furniture so it doesn’t move away from me during the earthquake. 1st thing I must do: I must drop to the floor and cover my head and neck with my arms. Listen to Part 1 again and write down the three things to do to keep safe if there is an earthquake.
Listen to Part 2 again and write down any other advice that you think is useful. If you are outside, you should __________________________________ ___________________________ If you are in the living room, you should __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ keep away from power lines, trees, signs, cars and buildings. make sure that the bookcases are fastened to the wall and the TV set is tied to a table so that they can’t move.
If you are in the house alone, you should __________________________________ __________________________________ ______________ ring a family friend to tell them where you are and collect your personal earthquake bag.