Quick look under the hood Technologies used Get familiar with them! By Michał Kostecki IITc
Solutions used For storing the information about the holidays and providing it for PHP backend. The main backend/remote API. Provides data from the databased in parsed JSON format. Making the calendar and events possible, also necessary for jQuery to work. Iterations, events, many other things. Built in JS for faster and more efficient scripting. Communication between the PHP backend and our JS frontend
Page looks Used on the whole world, the new and better HTML 5 and CSS 3 allow to do many amazing things. HTML is used for the structure of the website. CSS is used for how it looks. An opensource project made by Twitter, allows developers to create websites lightning fast. Provides a grid system, many pre-styled elements and other handy things. It is a mixture of JS and CSS, also incorporating more advanced solutions like SASS and LESS(compiling CSS scripts)
Other solutions The compiler I used for writing. It’s opensource, flexible, extendable and provides very advanced features if you need them. Supports writing in JavaScript, C++, HTML, PHP, but you can extend it’s features with plugins. Used for serializing data. Used world- wide, a competition to XML. Natively supported in many languages. Runs PHP and provides the webpage on request to client. This Linux distribution allows this all to work. One of the most stable and reliable distro.
Part of the code