Diabatic influence on mesoscale structures in extratropical storms DIAMET Impact Plan Ian Renfrew
Pathways to Impact Weather services Met Office Specific project deliverables Exchange of expertise Forecast model advances EUMETCALForecaster training Impact continues downstream through NCAS and NCEO core programmes Schools and public outreach Heather Reid and R Met. Soc Educational resources (web based) Field campaign blog Video conference Leaflets
Weather Services activities Implementation of ‘new codes’ for OPS for incorrect locations of dropsondes at Met Office by Dingmin Li Also preparations for data denial experiments Video broadcast for EUMETCAL on sting jets by Geraint Vaughan attended by ~60 forecasts (mainly eastern europe) also presentations by David Schultz and Bogdan Antonescu (as part of TROSAID) Other collaborations with Met Office? e.g. AIMMS probe
Schools outreach Educational videos complete and distributed to project team Two short videos on ‘weather forecasting’ and ‘the diamet project’ Available on DIAMET website, along with text studying-severe-storms-around-the-uk studying-severe-storms-around-the-uk Progressing further distribution and other material …
Public Outreach - Media BBC news and C4 news on 146 during May BBC news piece: -environment environment The One Show on the 146 on 15 August, with show broadcast in late September
Other outreach activities Met Office website article on Diamet Phil Rosenberg interviewed by New Scientist John Methven interviewed by The Times and Radio appearance
FAAM – Google Earth Axel at FAAM has developed scripts to allow plotting of NWP prognostics and radar on Google Earth – Great for flight planning and in situ flight decisions – Would be ideal to make this resource available for all future FAAM campaigns
Still to do Met Office collaborations – many & varied More EUMETCAL? Schools talks etc - ALL
Educational Plans I Heather Reid plans to develop some material to provide a better link between Science Curriculum (~S2/S3 or Year 8/9) and the videos and meteorological research Plan is a focus on some instruments on the aircraft and how these work – E.g. radiation, infrared properties, absorption bands, etc Heather would like to visit to develop material – Over next 6 months – Manchester? – Early December? – Need to assemble some background material for her?
Educational Plans II Heather plans to target Teachers and educational practitioners directly Plan is to attend several Teachers conferences – Science Centre tour binned Give short presentations, show videos, have Q&A session, distribute material on conference USB stick – Diamet person going would be useful if possible? Heather has contacts and can probably get invited. Likely to be hundreds of teachers and practitioners at these conferences E.g. ASE = Association of Science Educators