1 Belfast,
2 Horst Forster European Commission Belfast,
3 Safer Internet Action Plan 1999 – mio € Safer Internet plus 2005 – mio € Reporting illegal activity – hotline network Network co-ordination INHOPE Association, 20 co-funded hotlines The Safer Internet programme
4 Exchanges of views between child welfare specialists and technical experts Content rating and quality site labels Accessibility of filtering software Benchmarking of filtering software Content rating and filtering
5 Self-regulation - Cross-border actions in the field of co-regulation and self-regulation Awareness-raising – European network Helplines Eurobarometer survey Media use study Company logo Self-regulation and awareness
6 discussion forum including representatives of industry, law enforcement authorities, child welfare organisations and policy makers platform for national co-regulatory or self- regulatory bodies to exchange experience. Safer Internet forum
7 discuss ways in which industry can contribute to the fight against illegal content ISP code of conduct Child safety and mobile phones Safer Internet forum (2)
8 Council Framework Decision on combating sexual exploitation of children and child pornography production, distribution, dissemination, transmission, possession of child pornography Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime Legislative activity
9 Recommendation on protection of minors and human dignity Revision of Television without Frontiers Directive Will encourage co- and self-regulation Legislative activity (2)
10 DAPHNE II to combat violence against children, young people and women AGIS police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters Victim identification Funding activity
11 EU Funded projects Safer Internet forum International relations Russia Looking forward
12 Company logo