A LEGAL UPDATE By: Ben Hemmelgarn
Introduction Personal Introduction Coordination with Governments Convention on Biological Diversity Nagoya Protocol Access and Benefit Sharing DNA Import/Export Future Intellectual Property Issues Future Genetic Privacy Issues
Personal Introduction
Convention on Biological Diversity Earth Day in Rio de Janeiro Effective December 29, 1993 196 Parties Help develop national strategies for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity
Convention on Biological Diversity Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Effective September 11, 2003 170 Parties Primarily focused on safe handling, transport, and use of living modified organisms. Nagoya Protocol Effective October 12, 2014 73 Parties Implementation of CBD goal for fair and equitable sharing of benefits from genetic resources.
Nagoya Protocol Croatia Egypt European Union Germany India Mexico Norway South Africa Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Uruguay MetaSUB countries that are a party to the Nagoya Protocol
Nagoya Protocol Access Prior Informed Consent From a Competent National Authority Benefit Sharing Utilization of Genetic Resources Includes research and development Includes subsequent commercialization Benefits can be Monetary Non-Monetary Training Sharing results
ABS Clearing House
County Profiles
MetaSUB and Access Different regimes encountered No Prior Informed Consent (PIC) required. Portugal, Germany, Norway, UK, Sweden PIC from transit authority New Zealand, Japan PIC from state-level government Colombia, Australia PIC from national government (environmental agency) Brasil, Argentina, Singapore, Italy, India, Qatar
MetaSUB and Benefit Sharing Model Agreement (MetroRio in Rio de Janeiro) Public Domain Proprietary
DNA Export Laws Prohibited Goods Not allowed to leave the country Restricted Goods Exportation is regulated South Africa Example DNA is regulated under the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act 87 of 1993 Need to Contact the Non-Proliferation Office Need to fill out a Material Safety Data Sheet
DNA Export Laws Material Safety Data Sheet Isolated DNA in suspension DNA Swabs
Future Intellectual Property Issues Synthesis from DNA collected Small molecules Drugs Full organisms Data sharing Subsequent negotiations with provider states
Future Genetic Privacy Issues Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Questions Contact Info Ben Hemmelgarn