4th 6 weeks Word Root Study
Define the following roots 1. flect/flex 2.fract/frag 3.junct/join
Give an example for each root 4. flect/flex 5. fract/frag 6. junct/join
Write each sentence using the correct word to fill in the blank deflects reflectsflexible 7. The sunlight _______ off of the surface of the water, creating a blinding glare fraction fragment fracture 8. If you fall from the roof, you may ________ your skull. juncture adjoiningconjunction 9. The trust was heavily involved with the design and construction of the building ____________ the museum building.
Define the following roots 10. rupt 11. cede/ceed 12. vers/vert
Give an example for each root 13. rupt 14. cede/ceed 15. vers/vert
Write each sentence using the correct word to fill in the blank ruptured interrupted disrupted 16. The balloon _______ because the kids put too much water in it. procedure proceededreceded 17. Our house _______ into the distance behind us as we drove away. convertible divertversatile 18. When driving, it is important to not _______ your attention away from the road.