Grade 5 Social Studies
Describe how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places, and environment Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features Describe the characteristics of places and regions
Identify the 4 hemispheres of the world.
Teacher interactive read aloud as students choral answer and fill in packet pg. 3
Complete packet pg. 4 #1-3
The Northern hemisphere and Southern hemisphere are divided by the equator.
The Eastern hemisphere and Western hemisphere are divided by the meridians 20° west and 160° east.
Inflate a round balloon to represent the Earth. Glue the 7 continents onto the balloon in their appropriate places.
Which hemispheres do you live in?
Use longitude and latitude coordinates to identify and locate places on a globe or map.
1.With a partner, read page H12 and pg Independently define the following words on packet pg. 1 – Latitude – Parallels – Longitude – Meridians – Prime Meridian
Cut a piece of yarn to wrap horizontally around the balloon to represent the equator. Glue the yarn on the balloon. Cut another piece of yarn to wrap vertically around the balloon to represent the prime meridian. Glue the yarn on the balloon.
Complete packet pg. 4 #4-7 Complete packet pg. 5
Complete packet pg. 6
Using the map on pg. 11, what city is near 32 o N and 90 o W?
Use intermediate and cardinal directions.
Discuss homework- packet pg. 6
1.With a partner, read pg. H13. 2.Independently define the following words on packet pg. 1. – cardinal directions – intermediate directions – relative location
Label the classroom with both intermediate and cardinal direction symbols
Absolute Location Relative Location
Draw and label a compass rose. Include both intermediate and cardinal directions.
Use a map scale to measure distances.
1.Partner read pgs. H14 2.Independently define the following word on packet pg. 1. – scale
Complete packet pg. 9
What relationship does a map scale show?
Identify map symbols and what they stand for.
1.With a partner, read the first column on pg. H15 2.Define the following words on packet pg. 2. – Map symbol
Make up 5 more map symbols. Draw and label them.
Complete packet pg. 8
Where, on a map, can you find out what a symbol means?
Identify what a locator is.
1.With a partner, read the second column on pg. H15 2.Define the following word on packet pg. 2. – locator
Use your Social Studies book to find 3 other pages with a map locator.
What do locators show?
Use a political map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pg. H16 2.Define the following word on packet pg. 2. – Political map
Use an atlas to find a political map.
Complete packet pg. 10
What three things do political maps show?
Use a physical and elevation map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pg. H17-H18 and pg Define the following words on packet pg. 2. – physical map – Relief – elevation map
light green = lowest elevations dark brown = highest elevations Identify the title of the map. Look for the elevation key. – Elevation is measured in feet or meters above sea level Identify the ranges of elevation on the key. – Elevation maps use color to show the different ranges in elevation
Suppose you were assigned to create a relief map, other than shading, how would you make it?
Complete packet pg. 11, left column only.
How do cartographers show relief on a physical map?
Use a historical map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pg. H18 “What is a historical map?” and pgs Define the following words on packet pg. 2. – historical map
Complete packet pg. 15
What does a historical map show?
Use a road map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pg. H18 “What is a road map?” 2.Define the following words on packet pg. 2. – road map
Using the given road map, pick a city and plan a driving route to the state’s capital.
Complete packet pg. 12
Using the map on pg. H18 titled “North Carolina”, what interstate runs east to west?
Use a landform map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pgs. 4-7
Complete packet pg. 7
Using the map on pg. R19, what two major landforms are found in Pennsylvania?
Use a climate and vegetation map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pg. 8-9
Cut out a picture of vegetation Identify the type of climate these plants thrive in Identify the vegetation region where they might be found Place the picture on the classroom map
Complete packet pg. 11, right column
Using the map on pg. 8, which are of the United States is humid?
Use a natural resource map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pg. 12
Use the map on pg. 12, what natural resource is more prominent in the United States?
Complete packet pg. 13
Using the map on pg. 12, what natural resources are found in Pennsylvania?
Use a population map to find geographic information.
1.With a partner, read pgs
Use the atlas to find the population of the following: – Pennsylvania – United States – Australia – Africa
Using the map on pg. 21, what percent of the Pennsylvania population were foreign-born?
Identify the six regions of the United States.
1.With a partner, read pgs
Using an outline map of the United States, cut the six regions apart. Shade each region a different color Glue each region, in its appropriate location, on a piece of construction paper. Label each region. * See page 33
Complete packet pg. 14
Name the 6 regions of the United States.
olpracticetestgeography.htm olpracticetestgeography.htm
Political_Elem.png&imageTitle=United%20States%20Political%20Map Political_Elem.png&imageTitle=United%20States%20Political%20Map