The HCA Delivery in Partnership Robert Napier, HCA Chairman 26 October 2009
Contents HCA Vision Maintaining Momentum Shaping Future Delivery
Our Vision To create opportunity: For people to live in homes they can afford in places they want to live For local authorities and communities to deliver the ambition they have for their own areas A national agency that works locally
Sustainability AffordabilityRenewal Growth Jobs Housing People The Business of the HCA Delivered in places through the Single Conversation
National Achievements Smooth (and early) start up in difficult conditions Delivered 2008/09 housing targets Introduced flexible grant rates and tailored packages Secured Housing Stimulus Package Developed new initiatives Built good partnership working
Challenges Fragile Housing Market Stalled regeneration schemes Balance of resources Pressure on public spending Political uncertainty Competing views on how best to deliver housing growth
Maintaining programme momentum Programme enhanced through Housing Stimulus Pressure on budgets Delivering whilst creating a new Agency Focussing resources where they have the maximum impact “Tight programme management and acting on stakeholder feedback”
Maintaining programme momentum 2008/ 09 Outturn 2009/ 10 Target 2010/ 11 Target Total Affordable Social Rent (Completions, No.) 27,50127,50035,82563,325 Affordable Social Rent (Starts, No.) 30,38933,00021,65054,650 Affordable: Low Cost Home Ownership (Completions, No.) 19,77525,00017,57542,575 Affordable Low Cost Home Ownership (Starts, No) 10,78712,5008,25020,750 Employment Floorspace Created (000 sq.m) Brownfield Land Reclaimed (ha)
Responding to the Market Downturn – Housing Stimulus Package Local Authorities New Build £340m New NAHP funding £756m Kickstart funding £904m Public Land Initiative £53m Low Carbon Infrastructure Fund £21m SHESP £83m
Kickstart Targets currently stalled sites, to support construction of high quality, mixed tenure housing developments First allocations Announced 14 th Sept 10 Schemes £10.2m Expected delivery of 750 homes Second allocations Announced 13 th Oct 27 schemes £51m to deliver Expected delivery of 2,000 homes Kickstart 2 bid round closed 19 th Oct
LA New Build Excellent response to round 1 bids Announced 9 th Sept: 49 local authorities £141m grant requested Expected to deliver over 2,000 homes Round 2 closes 30 th Oct
Low Carbon Infrastructure Fund £21m capital funding for LCI exemplars Funding community heating projects Sounding Board includes HCA, CLG, EST and DECC First spend expected Dec 09
Embedding a ‘place-focussed’ model of working Primary process for funding local places Genuine conversation – which will involve trade-offs Close working with partners Aim to be underway in half of the areas and at least two Local Investment Agreements in each region by March 2010 Bringing together an integrated funding approach to growth and renewal “The national champion of place”
Increasing Housing Supply Long term demand for housing unchanged Challenge of short/mid- term housing supply Maintain RSL development capacity Strengthening the local authority role Public land initiative – new entrants to market Private Rented Sector Initiative “Recovery and change”
Annual dwellings completion Private Enterprise Note: e = extrapolation based on Q and historic quarterly proportions of completions Annual Dwelling Completions, Private Enterprise Source HCA, 2009;
International comparisons of housing International comparison of housing completions (per 1000 inhabitants, ) 2 Source Eurostat, 2008
PLI - Rationale Current housing supply issues Demand for homes New ways of working Identify new developer partners De-risk the process
Private Rented Sector Initiative A catalyst for institutional investment Stimulating residential development, including regeneration schemes New affordable & flexible tenure Encouraging innovation & alternative approaches Unlocking development finance Facilitates economic, social & geographic mobility
Sustainability Introducing a single set of standards Delivery of code for new homes Challenge of existing stock Learning from Exemplar Schemes Reviewing the economic model of housing UK CO 2 emissions by sector to 2050 on an 80% emissions reduction path 2 “Housing is key to delivery of Government targets”
Cross Cutting Objectives Supporting overall economic growth Reducing economic divides between regions and neighbourhoods Meeting the needs of those most vulnerable Jobs, skills and apprenticeships Strong local accountability Efficiencies from a single agency Growing capacity
Conclusion An encouraging start Strong delivery and good partnership are key to our success Challenges ahead that we need to manage together