What is the ‘First Mile’? 2012 BC-NET Conference May 2, 2012 Vancouver, B.C. 1
| 2 The First Mile Project Public Outreach grants from SSHRC First Nations Partners: Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Ontario) First Nations Education Council (Quebec) First Nations Help Desk (Atlantic Canada) University Partners: Simon Fraser University (B.C.) University of New Brunswick (New Brunswick)
| 3 First Nations Communities 3
| 4 Bringing Back the ‘First Mile’ 1998: The First Mile of Connectivity Paisley & Richardson
| 5
| 6 First Mile Videos 6 Lennox Island, Prince Edward Island
| 7 Assembly of First Nations e-Community Strategy 7
| 8 Why should YOU care about broadband infrastructure in First Nations? First Nations people have always been in these regions and will continue to be there in future First Nations share traditional lands and resources with the rest of society – treaties Working and engaging with remote and rural First Nations involves online communications Need sustainable community models for infrastructure To ensure sustainability, changes are required in discriminatory policies, programs and services 8
| 9 What challenges face First Nations? People in urban centres think “last mile” instead Broadband and ICT infrastructure policies and procedures developed without input from First Nations Urban IT professions fail to recognize and respect community expertise and needs Engineers, planners, managers need to use online tools to reach out and include remote and rural First Nations when planning and developing projects 9
| 10 How can YOU support First Nations? Include First Nation members living in communities on development committees Support First Nation principles of OCAP – ownership, control, access and possession Work with First Nations to identify solutions and requirements Become champions with remote and rural communities to challenge misrepresentations and invite collaborations 10
| 11 First Mile Videos Elsipogtog, New Brunswick 11
| 12 The First Mile project shares stories of First Nations technology projects. It is not enough just to be connected to the Internet. Who, what, how, and why people and communities connect are important too.
| 13 First Mile Broadband Development Different First Nations develop local broadband networks in ways that reflect their unique contexts Locally owned networks support future development Local control means First Nations can decide what to do with these tools 13
| 14 ‘First Mile’ Broadband is: a community utility that local residents, organizations and businesses can develop and access used by First Nations governments to support and deliver other community services to members, such as health or education 14
| 15 K’atlodeeche First Nation, NWT 15
| 16 First Mile Video 16 Attawapiskat, Ontario
| 17 The First Mile Project & OCAP Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession First Nations Information Governance Centre How can First Nations apply OCAP to digital data and networks? First Nations historically used broadband owned by external organizations First Mile Project exploring communities taking ownership and control of broadband First Mile Project offers examples of public services delivered over broadband
| 18 Strategic Partnerships Local leadership and broadband champions Community members Regional First Nations technology organizations Telecommunication companies Government 18
| 19 What policy changes need to happen? Respect First Nations autonomy and desire for sustainable community development Ensure equitable access to resources and development opportunities that exist for urban centres Create appropriate programs and support services respecting remote and rural realities Include First Nations as equal partners in development projects 19
| 20 First Mile Videos 20
| 21 First Mile Website 21
| 22 22
| 23 23
| 24 24
| 25 Blood Tribe Community Network [documentary] 25
| 26 Discussion [videoconference] 26
| 27 Send us your feedback! 27