1 Mission preparation Fred Lahuis SRON / Leiden Observatory MIRI NL Meeting ASTRON, 3 th June 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Mission preparation Fred Lahuis SRON / Leiden Observatory MIRI NL Meeting ASTRON, 3 th June 2010

2 Introduction Calibration Software development Operations Proposals Scheduling and commanding

3 Calibration Instrument calibration is a continuous effort -all through the mission preparation phase and the mission -FM test data will be used to obtain best possible pre-flight calibration -calibration goes hand-in-hand with software development FM test campaign is not designed to supply full instrument calibration -main purpose is verifying instrument requirements -will try to optimize/include test observations for calibration -however make sure things which cannot be done in-orbit are included -in parallel thinking about in-orbit commissioning has started -in part to screen FM performance tests FM delivery (data pack) is not a full FM calibration -contains some calibration files -calibration will be done after delivery An excellent instrument deserves an even better calibration

4 Software – EC history First EC software meetings in 2005 and focussed on long-term plans for calibration and science analysis software Simulator developments 2006 and beyond -MTSSim at CSIC and SpecSim at ATC Meeting between EC and STScI at ATC in followed by a visit of FL to STScI later in the year -collaboration agreement Jan 2010 MIRI EC software planning meeting -scope resources and work -strong focus on simulator development -planning for (pipeline related) Python development April 2010 first joint EC-STScI developers meeting at SRON Groningen Fred Lahuis coordinates EC development and is the main contact with STScI

5 Software – STScI history Very much in the planning stage Initial developments started -writing plans -some pipeline coding -studies, e.g. cosmic ray test 4 fte in TBS how much later on -for all JWST instruments -support from STScI MIRI science team -e.g. plans, requirements, testing JWST Calibration Pipeline IRR and walk-through: June 10 DMS Requirements review: Autumn 2010

6 Software - simulators Strong need for simulator development -essential for instrument verification -required for Science and Calibration -provide test data for software development -SpecSim and MTSSim require upgrades -no simulators for Imager, LRS, Coronograpghs, detectors Simulator responsibility -SpecSim - UK-ATC -Coronograph - France / CEA -LRS - Germany MPIA/Cologne (+ France)‏ -Imager - France -SCA - UK-ATC -MTS – CSIC Spain

7 Software – Python development Collaborative effort of STScI and EC -no commitments from other teams yet Pipeline, calibration and science analysis -STScI focuses on pipeline -EC focuses on calibration and science analysis -mutual interest, expertise and support Distributed development -core python libraries defined -common JWST repository open to the EC -located outside STScI -maintained by the software team and not by STScI system management -developing ideas for tests, QA and developers guidelines

8 Software – near future Strong focus on simulators -upgrades this autumn in time for FM test preparations Software development plans -this year Stay in close contact with STScI -e.g. FL will attend STScI meetings Second joint developers meeting -likely attached to DMS meeting at STScI Initial Python coding -STScI/EC -Setup distributed development -STScI -basic imaging pipeline -EC -calibration analysis (initially tests developers are involved in)

9 Operations STScI (together with instrument teams) started preparations for mission operations Multiple Working Groups -JWST Science Working Group (BB) -MIRI-OWG with EC and NL (BB, SK and FL) participation MIRI instrument team and STScI are preparing MIRI calibration plan -describes full analysis and calibration for the pipeline MIRI-OWG is preparing the MIRI Operations Concept Document -requires and initiates many detailed studies

10 Proposals STScI is mostly a general user mission -limited guaranteed time observations (GTO) -~10% over first 5 years -general observer (GO) proposals undergo standard TAC review -1 st year 50/50 GTO/GO -Additionally 5% for directors discretionary time (DDT) and targets of opportunity (ToO) STScI are designing new proposal preparation tool (PPT) -goal is to have a single phase proposal submission -at least for the bulk of the proposals -requires advanced PPT

11 Scheduling and commanding L2 makes scheduling easier -orbit puts less (absolute) time constraints on scheduling Scheduling will be optimized to: -minimize momentum build-up -> save fuel -> longer lifetime -maximize time usage -> more obs. -> higher science return Event driven commanding -command queue instead of timed commands -(Java)script instead of command executable -schedule execution can/will respond to events -scripts check and respond to telemetry -e.g. skip observation in case of errors, as failed peak-up or instrument anomaly -most efficient -flexible -scripts allow (quick) response to real-time events

12 Event driven commanding Each visit is composed of groups, sequences and activities -Some run sequential and some in parallel Visits can easily be removed or replaced

13 Lots of activities the coming years up to launch