TRADITIONS, CUSTOMS and HOLIDAYS in GREAT BRITAIN Толбухина Оксана Васильевна учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №3 г. Мирного, Архангельской области 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

TRADITIONS, CUSTOMS and HOLIDAYS in GREAT BRITAIN Толбухина Оксана Васильевна учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №3 г. Мирного, Архангельской области 2015 г.


Easter What is a holiday? Толбухина О.В.

In March People visit their mothers if possible and give them flowers and small presents. If they cannot go they send a “Mothers’ Day card”. When is mother’s Day? When is mother’s Day? Толбухина О.В.

April Fools’ Day This is a very old tradition from the Middle Ages. At that time the servants were masters for one day of the year. Now this Day is different. It is a day for jokes and tricks. Толбухина О.В.

Guy Fawkes’ Night It is celebreted on the 5 th of November when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a straw guy on a bonfire. This celebration is often associated with collecting money for charity Толбухина О.В.

Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary) was born on 21 April, 1926 at 17 Bruton Street, London. Her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the second Saturday of June each year. The day is referred to as “the Trooping of the Colour”, the official name is “the Queen’s Birthday Parade”. What day is “ the Trooping of the colours”? Толбухина О.В.


St. Valentine’s Day Толбухина О.В.


Wales Daffodil is a symbol of Wales Толбухина О.В.

ST. PATRICK’s DAY Толбухина О.В.

HALLOWEEN Children dress up in funny clothes. They go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”. People give them sweets, fruit, cakes, cookies or money. Толбухина О.В.

HOGMANY is the Scottish name for New Year’s Eve HOGMANY … a)is a holiday in midsummer b) is the Scottish name for New Year’s Eve c) is a traditional holiday dish Толбухина О.В.

A First Foot It is an old custom of North England and Scotland. The first guest in New Year is : a) a main visitor; b) a first foot; c) a first guest. Толбухина О.В.

The legend says that Joseph, Mary and Jesus were very cold when the shepherds found them on Christmas Night. So the shepherds got some bunches of twigs to burn to keep them warm. Christmas log should be cut down by the head of the family. It should burn in the fire all TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS with the last year ’ s Christmas log. What is a log? Толбухина О.В.

PANCAKE DAY It is a funny custom. It is famous for an unusual race with frying pans. Толбухина О.В.

is a present from Norway It is a present from Norway Every year a New Year’s tree is a present to londoners from a)Norway; b) Finland; c)Germany. Толбухина О.В.

It is tradition Chrismas food Eggnog, roast turkey, pudding is tradition food for a)Christmas dinner b)Easter dinner; c)New Year dinner Толбухина О.В.

Coral is a tradition Christmas song Coral is a)the name for a boy; b)a tradition Christmas song; c)a traditional Easter food. Толбухина О.В.

St. Valentine’s Day People don’t sign their greeting cards – you must guess who sent the cards to you. Толбухина О.В.

It is a greeting card from the Queen on one-hundredth birthday. The queen's telegram a) Is a greeting card from the Queen on one- hundredth birthday b) Is a greeting card for the Queen on her birthday c) Christmas card from the Queen for everyone. Толбухина О.В.