Thursday 3 rd September. 2015 / 2016. It’s good to be here! Prayer time.


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday 3 rd September / 2016

It’s good to be here! Prayer time.

Celebrations Birthdays. Last year’s results.

A Student's Prayer at the Beginning of School Year We give you praise, O God, for everything that is new and beautiful, for everything which holds promise and brings us joy. Bless us as we start this new year with our friends and teachers Help us to make the most of every chance we have to start afresh. May we show love to one another and to all. May the new beginning of this school year remind us that you give us chances to start over again and again. Help us to forgive others as we receive your forgiveness. Help us to learn and to work together. Help us to listen when we should and to know the best words when we speak and when it is better not to speak. We thank you for our friends

Help us to be good friends this year. Help us to be patient with ourselves and with others. Bless our school and keep us safe. Be with us as we travel each day. Help us to be aware of your love shown to us in the people around us. Bless all those who care for us In school and at home. Help us show our care for them and to say sorry when we need to. May the Blessed Mother Mary protect us And help us to live as well as we can Giving thanks and glory to God as she did.

We pray especially for….  The children entering Year Seven, they will always be part of the St Joseph family.  The staff who moved to new jobs: Mr Mc Ardle, Mr Howe, Miss Fallon, that they share what they learnt at St. Joseph’s.  For all the builders and workers striving to make a new St. Joseph’s, built for the 21 st Century but with the values of the gospel.

This Week’s Gospel Message.

He took him aside in private, be opened.  Jesus protects our dignity, even in weakness.  Humility, Jesus does his good work in private; he shows humility and does not need to “show off”.  Be opened: we need to be open to God, He is there, waiting for us..

If you want to be a follower of me…  Take up your cross and follow me.

The big question. Why do you play video games?

So easy, so hard. Do you hope that your English lessons will be easy or hard, a cross to bear? Do you hope Maths will be simple, or are you willing to pick up the cross?. Do you expect friendships to be simple or will you work at it?

Our Father. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil.

BIND US TOGETHER, LORD Bind us together, Lord, bind us together with cords that cannot be broken. Bind us together, Lord, bind us together, Lord, bind us together in love. There is only one God, there is only one King. There is only one Body, that is why we sing: Fit for the glory of God, purchased by his precious Blood, born with the right to be free: Jesus the vict'ry has won We are the fam'ly of God, we are his promise divine, we are his chosen desire, we are his glorious new wine.

Remember! We expect a lot of you because we believe a lot in you!