MALE REPRODUCTION Living With Children Ms. M. Guzzi
Male Reproduction Vocabulary The male organ for intercourse, reproduction, and urination. Reproductive purpose is to deposit semen in the vagina. A sac-like pouch which holds the testes. Regulates the temperature of sperm. PENISSCROTUM
Male Reproduction Vocabulary Male sex gland Produces sperm and male hormone, testosterone. Counterpart to the female ovary. Male reproductive hormone made in testicles. Causes secondary sex characteristics, production of sperm and sexual urge. Testes-Testes Gland Testosterone
Male Reproduction Vocabulary Male reproductive cell. Smallest cell in male’s body. Fertilizes the female’s egg(ova). Counterpart to the female’s ova. Group of tightly coiled tubes next to the testes that stores sperm for up to six weeks. Sperm is held here until it matures. It takes 64 days for sperm to mature. SpermEpididymis
Male Reproduction Vocabulary Two thin tubes that transport the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. Two small glands that secrete a fluid that nourishes sperm. Enables sperm to move. Vas DeferensSeminal Vesicles
Male Reproduction Vocabulary Gland that secretes an alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acid found in the male urethra and female reproductive tract. Without this fluid, sperm would die. Two small pea-sized glands that secrete a clear, sticky and alkaline fluid. Prostate GlandCowper’s Gland
Male Reproduction Vocabulary Dual purpose tube that semen and urine pass through to leave the body. Combination of fluid from the three glands and sperm.(prostate, seminal vesicles, cowper’s gland) Nourishes and helps sperm move. UrethraSemen
Male Reproduction Vocabulary Passage of semen from penis. Result of muscular contractions. Ejaculation
Ms. M. GuzziJackson Liberty High School