The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education Development and Operationalization Dr. Purita P. Bilbao Chair, Technical Panel.


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Presentation transcript:

The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education Development and Operationalization Dr. Purita P. Bilbao Chair, Technical Panel For Teacher Education, Commission on Higher Education

Outline  Context  Conceptualization and Development of Competency Standards  Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  Progress and Milestones

Context The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education

Context  21 st Century Teacher Education Curriculum Framework


Context  The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

Context  Ongoing Reforms in Philippine Education  Basic Education: Shift to the K to 12 program and Review of the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)  Higher Education: Shift to Outcomes-based Education (OBE), and Review of Current Policies, Standards, and Guidelines (PSGs) in Teacher Education  Related UNESCO-funded Initiative  Supporting Competency-Based Teacher Training Reforms to Facilitate ICT-Pedagogy Integration: Pilot implementation in three countries in Asia and the Pacific (Nepal, Philippines, Uzbekistan)

Conceptualization The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education

Conceptualization  Main Proponents and Key Stakeholders  UNESCO Bangkok ICT in Education Office  CHED’s Office of Program Standards and Development  CHED Task Force on UNESCO’s ICT Integration Project (TP-TE and TP-ITE)  SEAMEO INNOTECH  Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs)  DepEd

Conceptualization  Reference Documents  DepEd: NCBTS and NCBTS Teacher Strengths and Needs Assessment Tool (TSNA)  CHED: CHED Memorandum Order on Revised PSGs for Undergraduate Teacher Education and Addendum ( CMO 30. S.2004, CMO 52,S )  UNESCO: ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT), Country Examples of ICT Competency Standards (Korea, China)  Others: Developmental NCBTS (D-NCBTS) Draft, National ICT Competency Standard (NICS) for Teachers, International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students and Teachers (NETS-S and NETS-T)

Development The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education

Development  Key Activities  1. 1st National Workshop on Supporting Competency-Based Teacher- Training Reforms to Facilitate ICT-Pedagogy Integration  Reviewed national education policy goals, identified their impact on pre-service teacher education, and identified gaps in current pre-service teacher education  Mapped the ICT-related provisions in the NCBTS-TSNA against the ICT- CFT and identified gaps in the current NCBTS  Drafted recommendations for incorporation to the Revised PSGs on Undergraduate Teacher Education to be eventually issued by CHED

Development ICT-CFTNCBTSPROPOSED IMPROVED PIsRECOMMENDATIONS Understanding ICT in Education understand how ICT- based instructional materials / learning resources support teaching and learning Describe the nature and operations of ICT systems; Explain how ICT systems are applied in teaching and learning process. Alignment of knowledge awareness, understanding and practice Curriculum & Assessment use ICT resources for planning and designing teaching-learning activities use ICT tools to process assessment and evaluation data and report results Apply appropriate ICT tools in assessing, evaluating and reporting students’ learning. Faculty in service training on how to construct ICT based assessment Ensure that ICT expertise will be part of the teachers’ evaluation  Excerpt: Mapping and Recommendations for Improvement

Development  Key Activities  2. Follow-up Writeshop  Processed recommendations from previous workshop and reached agreement on where the proposed competencies and the ICT-CFT domains and approaches meet  Crafted and agreed on the proposed enhanced ICT Competencies for Undergraduate Teacher Education  Broke down competencies into doable, observable and measurable performance indicators  Developed one Program Outcome (PO) on ICT Pedagogy Integration common to all undergraduate Teacher Education programs and proposed Course Outcomes (CO) for Technology for Teaching and Learning (TTL) 1 and 2

Development  Seven Proposed Domains  Understanding ICT in Education  Curriculum and Assessment  Pedagogy  Technology Tools  Organization and Administration  Teacher Professional Learning  Teacher Disposition

Development COMPETENCIESPERFORMANCE INDICATORS Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education 1.1 Demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in education Discuss national ICT policies affecting classroom practices 1.2 Comply with ICT policies as they affect teaching- learning Implement ICT policies in teaching- learning 1.3 Contextualize ICT policies to the learning environment Incorporate ICT policies in the design and implementation of teaching- learning activities.  Excerpt: Proposed Enhanced ICT Competency Standards

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2 The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  Teacher Education Program Outcomes (POs) with Inclusion of ICT  1. Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.  2.Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies in various types of environment.  3.Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners.  4.Apply skills in curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, instructional delivery and educational assessment.  5.Demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of ICT resources in promoting quality (pedagogy) teaching-learning process.  6.Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting.  7.Practice professional and ethical teaching standards.  8.Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  TTL 1 (to eventually replace Educational Technology 1) TTL 1 is a 3-unit core course which all students taking up any bachelor’s degree in Education will be required to take, regardless of their chosen field of specialization.  TTL 2 (to eventually replace Educational Technology 2) TTL 2 is a 3-unit course which will focus on the application of ICT for teaching and learning to particular subject specializations under the K to 12 program (Secondary English Education, Secondary Science Education, Secondary Social Science Education, Technology and Livelihood Education) and specific teaching contexts (Elementary Education, Special Education, Early Childhood Education).

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  Proposed Course Outcomes: TTL 1 (3 units)  Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching- learning process  Integrate media and technology in various content areas  Apply learning theories and principles in the design and development of lessons through appropriate media and technologies for teaching learning  Formulate teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies  Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources.

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  Proposed Course Outcomes: TTL 2 (3 units)  Develop project- and problem-based, collaborative activities using technology tools  Produce learning resources using technology tools in various subject areas  Evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of digital and non-digital resources based on the learning context  Use open-ended tools (such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and authoring tools) in subject specific application  Use ICT to develop 21st Century Skills: Information, Media and Technology Skills, Learning and Innovation Skills, Life and Career Skills, and Effective Communication Skills.  Use technology tools to collaborate and share resources among communities of practice

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  Key Activities  3. Orientation for Technology for Teaching and Learning (TTL) 1 and 2 Sample Syllabi Writers  Mapped proposed enhanced ICT Competency Standards against proposed COs for TTL 1 and 2;  Reviewed TEIs’ current Ed Tech 1 and 2 syllabi to identify parts which can be incorporated into the proposed TTL 1 and 2 courses and identify gaps which need to be addressed by the sample syllabi  Craft sample syllabi for TTL 1 and 2 following the CHED TP-TE endorsed OBE Course Syllabus Template

Operationalization into TTL 1 and 2  Key Activities  4. Workshop to Finalize Sample Syllabi for TTL 1 and 2  Review, revise and finalize the sample syllabi for TTL 1 and TTL 2 following the CHED-endorsed Outcomes-Based Course Syllabus Template  Reach mutual agreement on the workplan for full adoption and implementation of the national ICT competency standards for undergraduate teacher education, TTL 1, and TTL 2

Progress and Milestones The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education

Progress and Milestones ActivitiesStatus CHED Project Team on UNESCO ICT Project’s endorsement to TP-TE of the following: a)Proposed ICT Competency Standards for Pre-Service Teacher Education b)Additional ICT-Pedagogy Program Outcome for Teacher Education c)Proposed Course Outcomes for two subjects for Technology for Teaching and Learning ✓ Deliberation by CHED TPTE on acceptance of proposed ICT Competency Standards and two (2) ICT-related subjects for integration in all undergraduate teacher education curricula ✓ Finalization of revised PSGs for undergraduate teacher education programs ongoing Conduct of Public Hearings on Proposed PSGs scheduled Finalization of revised PSG based on comments and suggestions from the public hearings scheduled

The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education Development and Operationalization Thank you for your time and attention.

The National ICT Competency Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education Development and Operationalization Dr. Purita P. Bilbao Chair, Technical Panel For Teacher Education, Commission on Higher Education