* A biome is an area that has the same climate (weather) and the same organisms that live there. * Biomes help scientists describe the world. * There are ____ land biomes and ___ water biomes62
* Tundra Tundra * Coniferous Forest Coniferous Forest * Deciduous Forest Deciduous Forest * Tropical Rain Forest Tropical Rain Forest * GrasslandGrassland * Desert Desert
Where is the tundra? Around the North Pole and near the Arctic Ocean Climate (weather) Very little precipitation Very cold all year Much ice / snow Plant Life No trees. Small ground plants & grasses. Soil type Permafrost: frozen most of the year (even in the spring and summer) Slushy when thawed.
Animals Life: Warm-blooded animals Insects in summer wolf ermine Reindeerducklemming marmot musk ox polar bear sandy hill crane snowy owl grass moss lichen grass lichen
Climate Medium rain/snow Long, cold winters Short summers Soil Type Poor soil. Smothered in needles Plant Life Heavy conifer forests (trees w/ needles & cones). Few small plants Animal Life Mostly warm-blooded. Many migrate or hibernate.
In Canada, Alaska, northern Asia, and northern Europe EuropeAsia Canada Alaska
Conifer trees (have cones) Have needles covered with wax Wax protects the needles from freezing cone needles Kinds of conifer trees pinefirspruce
MooseBeaverWolfBlack bear Hawk OwlLynx Wolverine Red Squirrel Snowshoe Rabbit
Climate Four seasons Good rainfall throughout year Soil type Good soil for different plants Plant life Variety of shrubs and trees that lose leaves in Autumn. Some grasses. Animal life Many warm AND cold blooded animals.
Deciduous forests are between northeastern United States and Canada. Some are in the eastern United States. Others grow in Europe and eastern Asia.
* Trees * Oak* Hickory * Maple* Apple * Flowers * Lily of the valley * Star Flower
EagleBrown BearBlack BearChipmunk RaccoonPorcupineRed Fox White-tailed Deer MouseCoyote
Climate Very warm all year round. Heavy rainfall. Rains almost everyday Gets almost 10 feet of rain every year.
Soil type Soil is ok—plants drain nutrients. Plant life Huge variety of trees shaded ground. Big-leaf groundplants. Animal life Huge variety of warm and cold blooded animals
The largest tropical rainforest is in South America. It is called the Amazon rain forest. They are also found in central Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, Hawaii, and a small area of Australia.
Climate Hot summers, cool winters. Not enough rain for forests. Soil type Soil type Soil is ok for grasses, but often dry. Plant life Plant life Mostly small plants and grasses. Some scattered trees. Animal life Animal life Warm and cold blooded animals. Many are large or fast.
The largest grassland is in Africa. There are also grasslands in North America, South America, central Asia, and northern Australia.
Some are found in the United States Land is usually flat Not a lot of trees The most important plant is __________. Examples: Wheat, rye and corn grass American Bison
Largest savannas are found in Africa There are only a few trees on the savanna Why don’t a lot of trees grow? Savanna does not get a lot of rain People set the grass on fire to stop trees from growing Animals eat the trees before they can start growing tall
Grass Can live without a lot of rain Acacia tree Baobab tree
African elephant Black RhinocerosCheetah Giraffe HippopotamusHyena Lions Ostrich Warthog Wild Dog Zebra
In Africa, western North America, western Asia, central Australia, and western South America.
Climate Very little rainfall * gets less than 25 centimeters of rain every year Low humidity – hot days, cold nights. Soil Type Usually rocky or sandy. Plant life Mostly scattered. Some grasses, shrubs and trees. Animal life Warm and cold blooded. Most are small.
* can live there because the roots are close to the top of the ground and can get the water quickly. CactusAloe Barrel CactusPrickly Pear Cactus
Black-collared lizard snakes camel desert iguana roadrunner jackrabbit
* MarineMarine * FreshwaterFreshwater
* The marine biome is the _________________ biome. ocean * covers about 70% of the Earth * has salt water * Organisms that live in the ocean are able to live in the salt water. * sunlight, water pressure, and water movement affect the organisms too because of these things, the ocean is divided into different areas different organisms live in each area * The water that is very deep has cold temperatures, high pressures, and is very dark
Many of the plants live near the top of the water they need the sunlight to help them grow and make food
Most marine organisms live near the top of the water or close to land Many animals dig down into the sand or hang on to rocks, so they do not get lost in the sea Other larger animals live where the water is deep barracuda star fishclown fishcrab flashlight fishgreen sea turtlekiller whaleshrimp
* Includes still water and moving water * Examples of still water* Examples of moving water * lakes and ponds * rivers and streams * Freshwater means it does not have _______________ in it salt
* Many of the plants that live in freshwater have strong roots to keep them in one place. * Some plants grow around the edge of the lake or float on the top of the water cattailwater lily
bass carp mallards trout bull frog
* Estuary * border between a freshwater biome and a marine biome * are salt marshes, lagoons, swamps, and mouths of rivers that go into the ocean * are a mixture of freshwater and salt water * some scientists believe estuaries are another biome, other scientists believe estuaries are an ecosystem * not very deep, so sunlight gets to all the water * have many fish and plants
* There are __________ land biomes: 6 ____________________ Tundra Coniferous Forest Deciduous Forest Tropical Rain Forest Grassland Desert * There are __________ water biomes: 2 ____________________ MarineFreshwater * The special kind of water is an ___________________. estuary