Solution-based learning (SBL)
Vigs Chandra, Ph.D. Department of Applied Engineering & Technology (AE&T) Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY Systems Engineering Division Using systems engineering principles to guide capstone projects in technology
Shifting focus on developing early working solutions using SBL, a new learning framework Motivating continuous improvement of products processes based on practical/aesthetic considerations Leveraging Systems Engr. principles: discovery- oriented, multidisciplinary, life-cycle view, environmental and user considerations Deepening critical/creative + process-oriented thinking 3
Higher-order Thinking Bloom’s Original -> Revised taxonomy of educational objectives 5
Critical and creative thinking are dynamic and deliberate processes where learners are active participants in intellectual activities in which they explore, evaluate, expand and express in relation to problems, scenarios, and arguments in order to reach sound and innovative solutions, decisions, and positions. EKU’s Definition of Critical and Creative Thinking provide some direction for structuring learning experiences As the branch is bent, the tree will grow?
“An interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems” “Full life cycle of successful systems, including problem formulation, solution development and operational sustainment and use.” Continuous process improvement, tradeoffs, system integration, safety, recycling, etc. Develop functional + physical system representation 7
Lecture and Lecture/Lab based instruction Problem-based Learning (PBL) Enquiry-based Learning (EBL) Project-based Learning (PBL also) Experiential Learning “Backward design process” of structuring learning 8
Keep focus on successively enlarging scope of solutions for a given system, situation, scenario An iterative process fundamentally explorative and expansive in its outlook Continually improving facets of system suh as operations, features, functionality, or form Links interests/motivations of both designers + users: projects deployed in homes, work places, community 9
Multi-core functionality envisioned Expanding set of optional functionality possible 10 Capstone/projects provide context and focus so that learning complex ideas and skills can occur more readily
SBL IS used in projects involving creating tangible products focused on the process of creating and improving solutions both holistic and atomistic multidisciplinary in nature useful in developing an iterative solution-oriented mindset research oriented and includes consideration for human factors readily extensible out of classroom into the workforce SBL ISN’T limited to only tech systems limited to only benign product or process development a cookie-cutter approach to learning for all, rather needs to be customized for each for student’s academic or work background for learning gains 11
SBL provides a positive learning-focused online-research solution-based approach Helps students develop innovative, personally customized extensions to products or processes Provides a sense of personal ownership/responsibility 12
“Glass is half-___________”; moreover … Promotes a mindset for viewing every situation as an area potentially ripe for improvement Suggests that there is room for progress in most systems, products, or processes Students need to investigate what is working and how it can be improved using various critical and creative thinking strategies 13
Website offering free, self-paced training devoted to improving critical thinking Content is designed for anyone who needs to: understand issues at a deep level solve problems effectively create a environment for this kind of learning Option of receiving a Certificate of Course AuditCourse Audit or of Course CompletionCourse Completion 14
Explore – Compass Points Evaluate – Tug-of-War Expand – Reverse Brainstorming Express – SEE-I exemplify-illustrate-see-i 15 All qepCafe Modules
Use the Compass Points technique to Explore a specific topic further 16
Use the Tug-of-War technique to Evaluate possible responses for a given scenario 17
Use the Compass Points technique to Expand list of responses for a specific scenario 18
Use the Compass Points technique to Express some aspect of the issue 19
NETwork Security & Electronics program (NET) at EKU 3 key program areas Integration emphasis 20
Back-of-napkin sketches for core/future extensions (multi-phase) => Schedule for early building and testing of prototypes Online research on existing products or processes Students identify: Multimedia sources, journal or conference articles, other sources (presentations., patents, books, etc) Mid-term groups formed based on similarly themed individual projects to Practice developing theme-related how-to tech video and presentation Developing annotated bibliography of tech sources Develop and test prototypes for core functionality + Extend functionality as time permits Develop draft individual report, presentation, how-to video and brochure + website optional ID core tech problem to be solved + List constraints and assumptions Quick turnaround following review Progress report 1: Project proposal Progress report 2: Annotated bibliography Progress report 3: Draft report Quick turnaround following review Project Portfolio including reflection at start, midpoint, and end of course Weekly project and online research status “Discuss Board” updates
Digital storytelling Storyboard script for instructional video based on mid-term group theme Similar guideline for final individual capstone video Embed in PowerPoint including reflection on how this video links to each group member’s individual project 22 What? Why? Prep? How? Wrap- up?
Formulate the problem clearly Work on significant problems or issues Consider multiple viewpoints Examine their assumptions Use concepts and logic while solving problems Gather relevant information Reach reasonable solutions and conclusions Consider possible implications or consequences Are self-motivated, aware of strengths/weaknesses Use intellectual standards (clarity, logic, etc.) as guides 23 Seek better ways of doing things
Formulate questions or problems Define/ express/ state the problem or issue Sub- issues Consider questions linked to issue Purpose Goal A closer view Deeper or broader reason it should be solved? Consider personal or social stake in solving or tackling the issue Point of view Perspectives Thinking hats Walk in somebody else’s shoes Outsider’s or non-specialist viewpoint Multiple views exist concurrently Assumptions Background information What can we take for granted Initial conditions Reasonable assumption based on context Presupposit -ion Information Data Facts Observations Experiences Evidence Search for valid and external sources Concepts Theories Definition Principles Models Axioms Theorems Rules Hypo- thesis Key words Solutions Judgments Conclusions Interpretations Discussion Must follow from the information and concepts under the stated assumptions Consequences If solved then what? If not solved then what? Implications Potential positive, negative, and unexpected future outcomes Directions for future work 24 Adapted from, “The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools", by Drs. R. Paul and L. Elder Problem solving report format based on the “Elements of Thought”
Sketch of functionality provided: Charles Judd, 2015 – Ocean Water: A custom electric guitar build Presentation screenshot: Anthony Warner, 2015 – CabSec Integrated Security Presentation screenshot: Bryan Roark, 2015 – 3D C&P [CNC and Printer] Machine Mk. 1
Illustrating flow of control between steps or linkages between stages
Showcase Capstone via website: Project presentation Video(s) Brochure Resume/photo (opt) Available for review by employers Quick Response (QR) codes assigned Option to improve capstone in future
Portfolios, brochures, and video demos for showcasing work done on project over a period of time Encouraging self- reflection on: knowledge skills attitudes ; regarding project
A new learning paradigm, SBL, proposed for keeping the focus on developing and refining solutions for a given system, situation, or scenario Inherently interdisciplinary nature of modern systems necessitates basing solutions on existing research in the discipline using critical/creative thinking effectively active experimentation using prototypes Develops proactive mindset for improving systems 29
For additional information contact Prof. Vigs Chandra, Ph.D. Eastern Kentucky University 521 Lancaster Ave., 307 Whalin Technology Complex Richmond, KY Link to SBL paper in ASEE 2016 proceedings: Free images courtesy Pixabay ( released free of copyrights under the Creative Commons CC0 license
Metaphor Simile Analogy Abstraction Connection EncapsulationEssence Bridge MetaphorsMetaphors can serve as an interesting context students relate to, from their own experiences or previous knowledge 31
City Plan or Circuit Board Layout Notice similarities and differences between systems
Traffic stops Overpasses Slower traffic One-ways