Mandatory Reporting the First Year One Law Enforcement Agency's Experience Detective Charles (Chuck) Szatkowski Colorado Springs Police Department Crimes Against Elders Unit
Some History CSPD has a long history of community collaboration Policy for the last 20 plus years required officers to notify APS of cases involving at-risk adults Drew upon our experience with the Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team 2005 joined the Coalition Against Abuse in Later Life (CALL), now known as the Pikes Peak Elder Abuse Coalition Detective assigned to investigate some crimes against at-risk adults Joined APRT
Some History 2007 training grant from the Office of Violence Against Women to train LE on elder abuse Used a multidisciplinary training team Education and Outreach Subcommittee 2007 APS began sending all referrals to CSPD Review for possible criminal elements Provided local history on people named in the referral and addresses Conduct joint home visits and investigations Share all information 2012 the Crimes Against Elders Unit was formed
Mandatory Reporting Looked for an automated way to notify APS and DA of ALL calls involving ANY at-risk adult Gave them access to our computer aided dispatch system #at risk# calls automatically routed to APS and DA Education and Outreach Committee reached out to community organizations to educate on elder abuse and mandatory reporting
APS Referrals from 2014 and 2015
CSPD Calls for Service for 2014 and 2015
What Calls Are We Responding To?
What it takes to succeed Trained first responders Collaboration Commitment to the cause by attending regular meetings, sharing work, reaching decisions, respectful debate, acknowledging and correcting errors. Passion, Purpose, Perseverance.
Lessons Learned You need and MDT Law enforcement officer with special training in elder abuse/exploitation. DA or DA investigator with special training in elder abuse/exploitation. APS caseworker Geropsychologist Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Senior Service Organization Elder law attorney Financial institution Guardian/Conservator