Encyclopedias / Non-Fiction Books Bibliography…How to make one Plagiarism…Don’t cheat!
“A book or set of books containing articles on various topics, usually in alphabetical order, covering all branches of knowledge or all aspects of one subject.”
When you need general background information on a subject. An Encyclopedia will not contain as much information as a textbook. Use Non-Fiction books for more in-depth information on specific topics or people. An Encyclopedia is a great place to start your research!
World Book is a general Encyclopedia that tells about people, places, events, things and activities. It provides accurate information that is easy to find and easy to understand.
First published in Revised version is published every year. Currently has 22 volumes. Designed for students from elementary through high school. Over 3,800 people are involved in writing and checking articles. Topics are arranged alphabetically.
Text Visual aides (photos, drawings, maps, paintings, diagrams, charts) List of related articles Suggestions for further reading Author
Think of a topic you want more information on or a question you want to answer Identify key words in order of importance Choose the appropriate volume and begin your search (Remember…alphabetical order)
To look up places or things, go to the volume that contains their first letter o Example: to look up koala bears you would go the K volume To look up people, go to the volume that contains the first letter of their last name o Example: to look up Abraham Lincoln, you would go to the L volume Don’t forget to use the guide words!
Found at the top of each page Tell you the first and last words listed on that page o Example: If the guide words are rabbit and rhino, would Russia be on that encyclopedia page? o No because R-U comes after both R-A and R-H
A bibliography is a list of all of the sources you have used in the process of researching your work. There are many sites that offer suggestions on how to make a Bibliography. Search for “MLA Bibliography for Middle School Students.” Your teacher will also give you specific guidelines. Click HERE for an example of a good site.HERE
Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Most colleges and many high schools, including MHS, submit student papers to “Turnitin.org” which automatically checks them for plagiarism. Committing plagiarism can result in an F on your paper, failure of the course, or expulsion from school. Click HERE for a good guide to avoiding plagiarism.HERE
Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia It is written collaboratively…meaning anyone, anywhere, can change the content of an article GOOD: experts from all over the world can contribute their knowledge on any given topic BAD: some people purposely include inaccurate information to mislead others. YOU CANNOT TRUST the information in Wikipedia and YOU CANNOT USE Wikipedia in any research paper.
Doing “research” is a lot of fun and very interesting. Organize your thoughts, plan out your paper, and don’t get behind. Work on it methodically every day. Here’s a good Project Calculator to help you stick to your schedule.Project Calculator