Benfield celebrates 2012 Olympics
Curriculum ideas: Art: London skyline pictures Making Greek pots Wire sculptures showing movement and strength of athletes Music: Composing own raps / instrumental pieces Composing own songs / lyrics for an opening or closing ceremony Composing dance routines / olympic dance
Science: Healthy eating for athletes Fitness – effects of exercise on the body Muscles & skeleton of the body P.E: Olympic Sports Day Opening ceremony Closing ceremony Medals Dances, music, flags
Literacy: Information writing - a child’s guide to London (Brighton) Information leaflet for visitors to the Olympics – the village / the sites Newspaper articles on events Biographies on the athletes
Numeracy: Underground maps – distances, routes Problem solving activities Measuring Data handling
Geography: Which countries are competing? Where are they in the world? Different country studies of those taking part History: How have the Olympics evolved? Changes to sports Ancient Greece Greek gods/myths Battle of Marathon City states – how would the athletes have behaved then?
Primary Languages: Helpful maps in different languages Translated phrases for visitors Posters / display boards with food items in different languages Role play at the tourist office
The list is endless and you can be as creative as you want! If you need to contact me: