Prof. Dr. Beril Akıncı VURAL
Public relations practitioners are often confused by the links between corporate culture corporate image, corporate identity and reputation.
Corporate Image How the public perperceives the firm How the firm presents itself Corporate Identity Visual Presentation- Logo,Tagline, color palette, architecture Corporate Behavior- Reception, service etc. Corporate Culture Corporate Reputation
Corporate culture consists of the key values and core belief system that are shared by organizatonal members. Corporate culture affects identity, identity affects image, and image builds the reputation over time. While the bottom half of the model (culture and identity) is within the control of the firm, the top half of the model includes the elements that are ultimately within the control – in the form of perception – of the publics.
In order for a corporate identity to move from the firm’s control to the domain of publics, exposure of corporate identity must occur. This is possible through interpersonal customer contact, but the most widespread exposure is likely to occur through formal mass communication channels such as advertising and public relations.
According to this model, corporate identity is the outward presentation of the firm, and a consistent and pleasing corporate identity will produce a positive corporate image. Over time, consistent impressions of a positive corporate image will produce a positive corporate reputation. Following this model, a firm has the chance to control its identity and reputation.
REPUTATION Nowhere has the issue of measurement methods in practice been much more debated than ever and the reputations that they attract. This particular technique, called the Fortune Corporate Reputation Index, along with other measures such as the UK’s Financial Times/Pricewaterhouse Coopers seven-factor model of business performance.
A corporate reputation is a stakeholder’s overall evaluation of a company over time. This evaluation is based on the stakeholder’s direct experiences with the company, any other form of communication and symbolism that provides information about the firm’s actions.
A Definition… ‘Public relations is about reputation – the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you’ (CIPR 2005).
Characteristics of Corporate Reputation It is a dynamic concept. It takes time to build and manage. There is a bilateral reltionship between the concepts of corporate reputation and image: corporate reputation is largely dependent on the everday images that people form of an organization.
It crystallises a company’s perceived ranking in a field of other rivals. Different stakeholders may have different reputations of the same company based on their own economic, social and personal background.
Reputation is more durable than images and may represent a relatively consistent store of goodwill and support in favourable cases (positive reputation) or distrust and avoidance in adverse situations (negative reputation). Images may be altered quickly as a result of organizational changes or communication programmes whereas reputation requires nurturing through time and image consistency.
A corporate reputation is a stakeholder’s overall evaluation of a company over time. This evaluation is based on the stakeholder’s direct experiences with the company, any other form of communication and symbolism that provides information about the firm’s actions.
There is a positive correlation between the concepts of image, identity and reputation in measurable terms.
What are the attributes of reputation on which companies are evaluated in determining the industry rankings? Ability to attract and retain talented people Quality of management Social responsibility to the community and the environment Innovativeness Quality of products or services Wise use of corporate assets Financial soundness Long-term investment value Effectiveness in doing business globally
Using reputation drivers as starting points for story-telling
This figure illustrates a causal map that indicates the key drivers of a specific company’s reputation. It suggests that another useful set of starting points for building the corporate story would be to emphasize those attributes that drive the company’s reputation with its audiences.
In this case, product attributes such as “reliability” and “value for money” are crucial contributors to the company’s reputation, as are workplace attributes such as “skillful employees” and “good benefits”, the financial attribute “strong record of profitability,” and the leadership attribute “well-managed”.
Public Relations in Turkey The practice of modern PR first emerged under the leadership of the government in the 1960s. With the multinational companies’entrance into the Turkish market, PR efforts shifted from the public sector to the private sector.
Public Relations in Turkey Public relations instruction began in 1966, in the Journalism and Public Relations Vocational School (Ankara University). In 1992, public relations institutions became faculties.
Public Relations in Turkey Turkey’s public relations association, Halkla İlişkiler Derneği (HİD), was founded in 1972 by 13 practitioners. In 2005, HİD officially changed its status and name to the Turkish Public Relations Association (TÜHİD), thus representing the profession in Turkey. During the first period, which lasted until the 2000s, the TÜHİD worked mostly for the acknowledgment of public relations in Turkish society.
Public Relations in Turkey, Two Studies A study in 2002, on the perception of the PR industry Three top areas that would be among the most important to the business world in the short term 1. Corporate Reputation 2. Research/evaluation 3. Media Relations A study in August 2006 In the future, corporate reputation management will still be the most effective tool Other areas of predicted growth Online communications Sponsorship CSR
Corporate Reputation in Turkey Salim Kadıbeşegil, a pioneer in reputation management development in Turkey “Reputation and perception are considered as two important dimensions of public relations and you cannot do without either of them” The first book on reputation management in Turkish in 2006.
The Corporate Reputation Landscape in Turkey In Turkey, the first corporate reputation study by the Koç Group in corporations are conducting regular research on their corporate reputation (Kadıbeşegil) Capital monthly magazine conducted the first “Most Admired Companies” study in An adaption of the research done by Fortune magazine in the United States and the Financial Times in Britain; the respondents of the Capital study are top level managers. Corporate Reputation and the News Media (2010), Görpe and Yüksel
The Corporate Reputation Landscape in Turkey Türkiye'nin En Beğenilen Şirketleri 2013 The founder of the Koç Group: “It is very difficult to win reputation, but very easy to lose it. It takes time to repair the reputation lost. Therefore, my advice to all of my friends in the group is that that they should sacrifi ce whatever they can today so as not to lose the reputation of today”
Reputation A good reputation is an excellent calling card: It opens doors, attracts followers, brings in customers and investors—it commands our respect. (Fombrun and Van Riel 2004: 4) Argenti and Druckenmiller (2004) define it as: The collective representation of multiple constituencies’ images of a company built up over time and based on a company’s identity programs, its performance and how constituencies have perceived its behavior. (p. 369)
Corporate Reputation A company should be able to build its reputation by managing both economic and non-economic factors which may be either internal or external to the company.
Economic Determinants of Corporate Reputation Product and service quality - Why is it specifically important in the service sector? Capabilities Economic and financial performance
Non-economic determinants of corporate reputation Corporate social responsibility and governance Media presence and media relations
Corporate Reputation in Turkey Necla Zarakol, president of the Zarakol Communication Agency Reputation management as an institution’s efforts to position itself on the mental map of its stakeholders in the desired manner and to coordinate its communication activities in the light of that positioning (Zarakol, 2006).