Kathryn L. Drouin, M.A. Boca Ciega High School 4-233
Topics Research Methods Biological Bases of Behavior Sensation and Perception Learning and Memory States of Consciousness Thinking and Problem Solving Human Development Personality Abnormal Psychology and Treatment of Disorders Social Psychology
National Pass Rates % earn a score of 3 or above 5 – 20.7% 4 – – 19.4% 2 – 13.5% 1 – 20.3%
Mrs. Drouin’s Pass Rates YearTotal54321Rate %20%24%32%16%52% % 24%52%24% %20%28%20%8%72% %21%26%21%26%53% %21%24%18%25%56% % 25%20%33%48% %20%22%16%33%51% %26% 13%22%65% %18%24%16%36%49%
AP Psychology Exam 100 multiple choice in 70 minutes 2 essays in 50 minutes (no introduction, no thesis statement, no conclusion – just answer the question)
Instructor Background Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Undergraduate double major in Psychology and Sociology Former Psychiatric Social Worker Veteran United States Air Force Teaching AP since 2004 SPC dual enrollment since 2011
Is this for you? Are you interested in learning how the body and mind work? Are you a dedicated student who attends regularly and reads assignments consistently? If you want more information come to room
Dual Enrollment – College Experience
Why should students take this? Learn college skills Earn high school AND college credit at the same time Saves time and money because it is FREE!
Course Topics Goal setting and time management Taking notes Memory techniques Test taking strategies Reading and writing for college Social world of college Taking control of your health