CiviCRM a Contact Relationship management for the EP
Today In the EP, what is possible, what is necessary? What is this CRM thing, what for ? Manage your contacts And activities And what about documents ? (file depot)
EP specificities Limitations of EP No software installation possible on own computer Access at distance allows no search functionality Solution Web-based solution No need for local installation Available everywhere with exact same functionality But don't forget the curse of IE7...
The Contact Relationship Management (CRM) Problem: Where are the contact details ? Word Excel Outlook signatures Stacks of business cards … and more dusty stacks How is that shared ? How up to date ? How many duplicates? What when a colleague leaves ?
… Contact Database
What do you need to do ? Managing events Experts/Supporters/Press segmentation Information flow, PR ( ing) Donations & fundraising AM support building Campaigning/Petition Much more... You need to cover the basis first
One single tool rules: 360° Participated at Donated for Member of Clicked on Called by
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