Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender
GLBT JEOPARDY HISTORY Movies, Musicals, and TV The GLBTA Aggie AlliesPOTPOURRI $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HISTORY $1000 This is the year Texas A&M University officially recognized the student group GLBT Aggies What is 1985?
HISTORY $2000 This symbol of pride used today has it’s origins in World War 2 concentration camps What is the Pink Triangle?
HISTORY $3000 This Aggie has been an activist for GLBT rights for over three decades, and is the grandmother of the transgender movement Who is Phyllis Frye?
HISTORY $4000 This bar/club in New York was raided by police in 1969 sparking the modern GLBT rights movement What is Stonewall?
HISTORY $5000 These six states currently have legalized gay marriage What are: Mass. Iowa Ct. Maine N.H. V.T.
MOVIES, MUSICALS, AND TV $ ,600 Minutes. What is Rent?
MOVIES, MUSICALS, AND TV $2000 In 1997, she famously said, “Yep, I’m Gay!” Who is Ellen DeGeneres?
MOVIES, MUSICALS, AND TV $3000 Felicity Huffman played a transwoman in this film... What is Transamerica
MOVIES, MUSICALS, AND TV $4000 In MILK, this woman is shown crusading across America on an anti-gay campaign...she ends up with a pie in her face... Who is Anita Bryant?
MOVIES, MUSICALS, AND TV $5000 This is the name of Karen Walker’s husband on the TV show Will & Grace Who is Stan Walker?
The GLBTA $1000 She is currently President of the GLBTA Who is Noelle (Noey) Angelita San Miguel?
THE GLBTA $2000 This is the Drag name of GLBTA’s Vice President. What is Cora Cadette?
THE GLBTA $3000 How many years did it take for this student organization to be officially recognized by Texas A&M University What is 9 years?
THE GLBTA $4000 Before we were GLBTA, there were 3 other names this group went 2 of them What is GSS, GLSA, and GLBA?
THE GLBTA $5000 In 2009, what is the highest number of attendees that have come to a GLBTA meeting? (+ or – 3 people) What is 86 people?
AGGIE ALLIES $1000 You can become an Aggie Ally by attending one of these workshops What is an Ally Advance?
AGGIE ALLIES $2000 This symbol can help you identify an Ally on campus? What is the Ally Placard?
AGGIE ALLIES $3000 This was the year that Aggie Allies was founded at Texas A&M University What is 1993?
AGGIE ALLIES $4000 There are approximately this many Aggie Allies on Campus (+ or – 20) What is 800?
AGGIE ALLIES $5000 The next Advance is on October 11, what is the significance of this day to the GLBT Community What is National Coming Out Day?
poTPOURRI $1000 Name 5 Cher songs Wow...we’re impressed!
poTPOURRI $2000 This is the full name of the organization associated with this symbol What is the Human Rights Campaign?
POTPOURRI $3000 This divalicious man is known as the 6 th Real Housewife of Atlanta on Bravo TV Who is Dwight?
POTPOURRI $4000 This queer area of San Francisco is commonly known as the “Gay-borhood” What is The Castro?
POTPOURRI $5000 In this year, the Rainbow flag was first used to represent GLBT Pride What is 1978?