SOCIAL JUSTICE IN THE SCRIPTURES. THE PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR Read each passage from the Bible, summarize and answer the questions. Read Matthew.


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Presentation transcript:


THE PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR Read each passage from the Bible, summarize and answer the questions. Read Matthew 25: (The Last Judgment) Can we love God without loving even “the least” of the people we encounter? Explain. How is this reading challenging? How is it comforting? Read Luke 12: (The Rich Fool) What is this parable trying to teach us? How could we apply this teaching to our lives today? 2

THE PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR Read Luke 21: 1-4 (The Widow’s Offering) What is generosity? Read Matthew 6: 19-21, 24 (Concerning Treasures and Wealth) What does Matthew mean by “where you treasure is, there your heart will be also”? Can a person be wealthy and serve God? Explain, using real-life examples 3

PASSAGES ABOUT JUSTICE Read and summarize the message of each passage: Exodus 22:20-24 Jeremiah 22:13-17 Amos 5:15 John 13: Micah 6:8 1 Chronicles 29:12 Mark 10:43-45 Isaiah 2:2-4 Isaiah 58:6-7 Matthew 25:31-46 Psalms 9:7-12 Matthew 5: Proverbs 31:8-9 Acts 2: Timothy 6:10 4

-Exodus 22:20-24 earlier parts of this passage refer to retribution (or punishment) as“justice” – discuss “do not wrong or oppress any alien” – welcome newcomers help widows and orphans, do not charge undue interest on loans Jeremiah 22: live a just and righteous life -gains made from oppression and violence are dishonest -pay fair wages for work 5

Amos 5:15 -avoid selfish behavior; establish justice for those who are victims of injustice (have a fair court system) John 13: Jesus washes his disciples’ feet -Jesus is the ultimate servant leader – to lead is to serve -do not abuse power over others 6

Micah 6:8 -the Lord requires that we do justice and act justly -love, be humble and be kind, especially to the marginalized – do not expect adulation 1 Chronicles 29:12 -you have the power to create change in the world -we all hold power and might in our hands – do not misuse it! Mark 10: whoever wishes to be first must be last -we are called to serve, not be served (do unto others…) 7

Isaiah 2:2-4 -follow the path of Jesus (teach, work for justice, non-violence) -only God can judge nations -when the Messiah comes, we will all practice non-violence – “they will beat swords into plowshares.. spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation..” Isaiah 58:6-7 -take care of the needy; provide for the naked, hungry, homeless -corporal works of mercy – (Matthew 25:31-46)Matthew feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit those in prison, bury the dead 8

Psalms 9:7-12 -only God can judge – we must protect the marginalized -God cares for the afflicted Matthew 5: “turn the other cheek” – teachings about revenge – a response to teachings in the Hebrew Scriptures – actually a shocking analogy presented by Jesus -show mercy and forgive – love your enemies -give to those who ask even if they have wronged you 9

10 Proverbs 31:8-9 -speak out on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves -defend the rights of the poor and needy Acts 2: “sell your possessions” – give your excess to those who don’t have enough -take and keep only what you NEED 1 Timothy 6:10 -“the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” -being overly concerned with money distracts from relationships, God... leads to sadness