100-2 Bible Literature: Exodus chapter 1~14, Course by Fred Lee 2012, 03/30
The Birth of Moses Frederick Goodall ( ) – “The Finding of Moses“ (1862, oil on canvas) --The meaning of being raised by the daughter of Pharaoh
Bush Burning The fire burning the bush The name of God— Yahweh(YHWH) Assigning Moses the task of leading the Israeli out of Egypt the "Bush burning" in Wikipedia
Ten Plagues of Egypt 1. the blood 2. the frog 3. the gnats (or lice) 4. the wild beasts 5. the Pestilence 6. the boils 7. the hail 8. the Locusts 9. the Darkness 10. the Death of the Firstborn "Ten Plagues" in Wikipedia
Dividing the water of the Red Sea The mistranslation of the KJB (“Yam-suph”— “the weedy sea”), which mistook the bitter lakes for the red sea. The average depth of the red sea is 490 m.
The Route of Exodus
The Ten Commandment