Erythrina Gall Wasp Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim Photo MM Yang
Erythrina Gall Wasp Erythrina variegata Tigers Claw, Indian Coral Tree, Wiliwili-haole
Erythrina Gall Wasp Described as a new species in 2004 from specimens from Singapore, Mauritius, and Reunion Islands Then found in Taiwan, China, India, Guam, and Okinawa Discovered on Oahu in April 2005, on Molokai & Maui in August 2005, on Kahoolawe & Lanai in October 2005.
Erythrina Wasp Host Range Erythrina, family Fabaceae In Hawaii: Erythrina variegata Erythrina variegata - tall wiliwili Erythrina crista-galli Erythrina sandwicensis (native),
Erythrina Wasp Host Range On the mainland US and Mexico: Erythrina americana Erythrina bidwillii Erythrina caffra- Kaffirboom Coral Tree Erythrina coralloides- Naked Coral Tree Erythrina falcata Erythrina humeana – Natal Coral Tree Erythrina lysistemon
Erythrina Biology MM Wang Mating MaleFemale Female preparing for oviposition
Erythrina Wasp Damage E. bidwillii (healthy)
Erythrina Wasp Control Seed collection of Erythrina species has begun. Seeds are being stored at Ft. Collins, CO. Insecticidal injections and drenches have been tried in Taiwan and Hawaii. Chemical controls have not proven effective in Taiwan. Biocontrol agents are being sought.