Genetic Engineering- faster more reliable way to increase the frequency of a particular trait ( allele) Recombinant DNA- connecting or recombining fragments of DNA from different sources ex. Can be used to make “drugs” like insulin! Transgenic organisms- living things that contain recombinant DNA Restriction enzymes- bacterial proteins that can “cut” DNA in a specific place
DNA Ligase- enzyme that “glues” it back together Plasmid- small ring of DNA found in bacterial cells that is used for genetic engineering Clone- genetically identical copies Gel electrophoresis- technique used to separate fragments of DNA for identification- an electrical current is sent through and charged particles “move” through it Gene therapy- process by which a person is given new DNA from a donor for the purpose of curing a disease
DNA fingerprinting- process that uses DNA technology to solve crimes Innocence Project- organization that helps free falsely convicted prisoners using DNA techonolgies In vitro fertilization- process by which an embryo can be conceived outside a woman’s body and has resulted in many new advances in genetic / reproductive technologies Eugenics- idea that individuals with certain “defective” genes should be killed or sterilized to prevent its spread
Selective Breeding- choosing what traits an organisms by manipulating reproduction Ex. More productive cows Inbreeding- mating between closely related organisms ex. Horses, pit bulls (can cause problems b/c the DNA is too similar Stem cells- characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell typesmitoticcell divisiondifferentiate -- very controversial because of “how” they are obtained
Complete the following… MINI-lab pg. 343 Problem solving pg. 347 Problem solving pg. 353