Aim: How do scientists utilize recombinant DNA technology? Why does Spiderman have these special powers?
What is Genetic Engineering? Genetic Engineering is a new process that scientists use to alter the genetic instructions in organisms.
What is a Gene? A gene is a sequence of DNA on a chromosome that codes for _______ protein. one
Why would altering DNA affect our characteristics/traits? DNA codes for the proteins that determine our traits.
Why would scientists want to alter the genetic instructions of organisms? + Scientists can generate organisms with desired characteristics.
How is DNA Modified? Step 1: DNA is first extracted (removed) from cells. DNA +..ATGAATTCT....TACTTAAGA.. DNA..ATGAATTCT....TACTTAAGA..
How is DNA Modified? Step 2: DNA is then cut into smaller pieces with Restriction Enzymes. ATGAATTCT TACTTAAGA Restriction enzymes are “scissor-like” enzymes that recognize and cut specific sequences in the DNA. What base sequence was this restriction enzyme specific for? GA ATG AATTCT TACTTAA GA
What base sequences were these Restriction Enzymes specific for? ATGAATTCT TACTTAAGA GCATTACGTT CGTAATGCAA ATG AATTCT TACTTAA GA G CATTAC GTT C GTAATG CAA GA GC “Sticky Ends”
+ ATG AATTCT TACTTAA GA How is DNA Modified? Step 3: The cut DNA sequence is then combined with the DNA of another organism. Cut DNA Cut DNA from another cell DNA from 2 sources ATGAATTCT TACTTAAGA
What do we call DNA that comes from 2 sources? Source 1 Source 2 Recombinant DNA
The process that allows scientists to attach pieces of DNA segments to the DNA of other organisms is called: GENE SPLICING DNA Ligase Gene Splicing
How is DNA Modified? Recombinant DNA Step 4: The recombinant DNA is then placed inside a living cell. - What will the recombined DNA do? It will allow for the production of proteins from both sources of DNA. “Cut DNA” + “Cut DNA”
Steps of Genetic Engineering: 1)Scientists can target and identify a gene. 2)Cut the gene with restriction enzymes.
Steps of Genetic Engineering: 3)This gene is then “spliced” to the DNA of another organism. 4)Once in the new organism, the transferred genes direct the new organism’s cells to make the same protein as the original organism.
Applications of Genetic Engineering: Cloning ‘Designer Babies’ Medical Improvements GMO Gene therapy