During the Tjæreborg SpinnerEx2009 experiment, three different optical wedge prisms with an angle of 2 o, 15 o and 30 o, respectively, were constructed.


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Presentation transcript:

During the Tjæreborg SpinnerEx2009 experiment, three different optical wedge prisms with an angle of 2 o, 15 o and 30 o, respectively, were constructed and used for the deflection of the laser beam. The objective of the latter two prisms was to focus upwind near the 2/3 maximum extracted power rotor radius of the blades. LIDAR wind speed measurements from a rotating spinner: “SpinnerEx 2009” Angelou N. [1], Mikkelsen T. [1], Hansen H.K. [1], Sjöholm M. [1], Harris M. [2] [1] Risø DTU, Roskilde, Denmark [2] Natural Power, Malvern, UK Experimental Setup Objective In the context of the increasing application of remote sensing techniques in wind energy, the feasibility of upwind observations via a spinner-mounted wind lidar was tested during the SpinnerEx 2009 experiment. The objective was to install a ZephIR wind lidar, manufactured by Natural Power (UK), in the rotating spinner of a MW sized wind turbine, and investigate the approaching wind fields from this vantage point. Time series of wind speed measurements from the lidar with 50 Hz sampling rate were successfully obtained for approximately 60 days, during the measurement campaign lasting from April to August Perspectives The feasibility of this application can lead to the achievement of improved wind turbine control through lidar instruments mounted or integrated in wind turbines with the benefits of enhanced the power production performance, as well as increased life time of the wind turbine. References 1.Harris M., M. Hand and A. Wright, “A Lidar for turbine control”, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP – 500 – National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL, Golden, Colorado, US, (2006). 2.Harris M., D. J. Bryce, A. S. Coffey, D. A. Smith, J. Birkemeyer & U. Knopf, “Advance measurement of gusts by laser anemometry”, J. Wind Eng. 95, 1637 – 1647, (2007). 3.Mikkelsen, T., C. Michael; I. Antoniou, J.Mann. “WindScanner: A full-scale laser facility for wind and turbulence measurements around large wind turbines”, EWEC, (2008). 4.Lidar wind speed measurements from a rotating spinner, Mikkelsen T., Hansen K., Angelou N., Sjöholm M., Harris M., Hadley P.,Scullion R., Ellis G., Vives G., Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conf., Warsaw, ( 2010). 5.Wagner R., Courtney M.S., Gottschall J. and P. Lindelöw-Marsden, Improvement of power curve measurement with lidar wind speed profiles, Proc. of the European Wind Energy Conf., Warsaw (2010) Case Study: Period: 2009/04/28 22:50 – 2009/04/30 10:00 Terrain description Wind Speed Wind Direction Potential Temperature Θw(lidar) WindDir Sonic(57m) - WT YAW The NM MW wind turbine situated at Tjæreborg Enge equipped with a ZephIR wind lidar in the tip of the rotating spinner. The landscape of the area of the experiment where 8 wind turbines are located (Google Earth © ). The lidar was mounted in the NM80 turbine indicated by #2 and the meteorological mast providing data for the experiment is indicated by M. Representation of the lidar measurements. Lidar Operation Parameters Conclusions Successful integration of a wind lidar in the wind turbine spinner Knowledge of the incoming wind towards the rotor plane Future research:  Implementation of enhanced control algorithms: meteorological conditions (e.g. rain, fog), wake effects and terrain limitations (horizontal shear)  HTF project: “Integration of Wind LIDARs in Wind Turbines for Improved Productivity and Control” (HTF ) Active control (yaw, rpm and pitch) of a wind turbine through a lidar Power Curve Analysis Acknowledgements Mikael Rasmussen and Per Hansen from Risø DTU, and Dong Energy are gratefully acknowledged for skilled technical support and for access to the NM80 test turbine at Tjæreborg Enge located in Western Jutland, Denmark. Vestas Wind Systems is acknowledged for safety supervision of the operation of the NM80 research turbine. The SpinnerEx 2009 experiment has been conducted as part of the new Danish research infrastructure facility activities under the auspices of Windscanner.dk. Access to DONG Energy’s NM80 Tjæreborg wind turbine and the local met-mast data has been facilitated in collaboration with the simultaneously ongoing DAN-AERO and TOPFARM test activities during the summer of 2009, which is also gratefully appreciated. Meteorology and turbine data was provided by the DAN-AERO MW project, carried out by Vestas, Siemens, LM, DONG Energy and Risø DTU in cooperation, funded partly by EFP-2007 "Experimental Rotor and Airfoil Aerodynamics on MW Wind Turbines" contract nr and partly by the participants. Since April 2010 support to the analysis was also given via the HTF project “Integration of Wind LIDARs in Wind Turbines for Improved Productivity and Control” (HTF ). Time series of the speed (cup and sonic anemometer measurements) and direction (sonic anemometer measurements) of the wind and of the atmospheric potential temperature, during the period 2009/04/28 22:50 – 2009/04/30 10:00. ZephIR lidar Radial wind speed values as measured by the ZephIR lidar (view towards the wind turbine). Homogeneous wind flowWind flow disturbed by a wind turbine wake Yaw misalignment angle at 57m (hub height) Yaw of the wind turbine and wind direction at hub height Horizontal Wind Speed Comparison