1 14th June 2012 CPass0/CPass1 status and development.


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Presentation transcript:

1 14th June 2012 CPass0/CPass1 status and development

2 14th June 2012 Outlook Cpass0/CPass1 status Vpass preparation Open issues + Infrastructure development

3 14th June 2012 Cpass0/CPass1 status In detail discussed during the calibration meetings: – https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId= https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId= –

4 14th June 2012 Vpass for LHC12a and LHC12b Discussed during the Calibration meeting on and OFFLINE meeting –Detectors (almost) ready with manual calibration. Calibration which is not ready only small improvement [task #30404] vpass of LHC12a and LHC12b –We keep three options, though (Dariusz): a) wait for SPD/SDD, PHOS, TPC b) start now vpass, add SPD/SDD, PHOS, TPC only if vpass anyway needs to be repeated c) start now and ignore the three items

5 14th June 2012 Open issues SVN version of the calibration macros and AliEn version diverged. (E.g detector mask from GRP) See also next slides Hypnosis that for part of the Cpass0 data ESDfriends were filtered, therefore only part (1%) of reconstructed data used for special calibrations. Affected runs have very small statistic (beam condition not optimal) Under investigation - hypothesis not consistent with other observation Savannah to follow? See details: esdfriends-missing/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/13https://trello.com/card/lhc12a-runs-without-ocdb-update- esdfriends-missing/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/13 For fraction of runs - double peak structure in the MeanVertex for vertex using global tracks Difficult to investigate as the calibration is done only in Cpass0. After Cpass0 not ESD exported. Proposal – keep small part of ESD and ESDfriends for debugging purposes. Alternative: –Manual user Cpass0 –Central Cpass0 for selected runs keeping all ESD and friends

6 14th June 2012 Cpass0/Cpass1 infrastructure

7 14th June 2012 CpassX testing CPassX as used by offline diverge from trunk Testing of trunk on the grid impossible – but we can test the steering scripts and macros (AddTaskXXX etc.) For compiled code developments we have to wait for porting+release on the grid We do test locally – automatic CPass0/CPass1 procedure trying to mimic the grid, uses everything from trunk, only difference is job management logic on a local batch system.

8 14th June 2012 CpassX testing Currently all the scripts and macros in trunk tested on the grid with v5-02-Rev-12-1 for 3 runs (177501,177866,178018) 2 scenarios: –CPass0 steering scripts from trunk /alice/cern.ch/user/m/mkrzewic/CPass0/LHC12b_prod1/output/ –CPass0 steering+config macros from trunk /alice/cern.ch/user/m/mkrzewic/CPass0/LHC12b_prod1/output_trunk/ Both cases run fine, similar success ratio (>95%) Merging+OCDB extraction has to wait for new release (savannah bug #95249)

9 14th June 2012 Automatic notification in case of failed CPass0/CPass1 calibration In case the calibration failed automatic should be sent to the calibration responsible. In case of CPass failure or partial calibration all detectors are affected- further automatic processing is blocked - > the mail should be sent to all calibration expert. As it happen quite rarely we suggest to sent to the full calibration list: See detailed discussion: failed-cpass0-cpass1-calibration/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/8https://trello.com/card/automatic- -notification-in-case-of- failed-cpass0-cpass1-calibration/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/8 Functionality test on Wednesday –Too many s (more than expected) sent because of incorrect interpretation of the detector status, resp. worn detector status

10 14th June 2012 Status code of the CPass0/CPass1 for detector subsystems. The detector subsystems should provide the calibration return code according which is later visualized in the MonaLisa. The code as proposed during the calibration meeting (Thursday, 4 August and declared in SAVANNAH) should be used: 3 code not fully calibrated, but don't worry code=0 -> calibrated and everything's fine code>0 -> wanted to calibrate but got error

11 14th June 2012 Alien Monalisa detector status script was recently modified, in addition to checking of the ocdb.log files for export of the predefined OCDB entries, in new status tables detectors status code is included in addition: –See more details in: documentation/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/1https://trello.com/card/alien-monalisa-detector-status-script- documentation/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/1 subsystems/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/9https://trello.com/card/status-code-of-the-cpass0-cpass1-for-detector- subsystems/4fcb61021e15a32f186b9286/9 –After finishing tasks documentation will be moved to the calibration Wiki page First version of the return code implemented for the TPC, TRD in the CPass0 and CPass1 did not follow convention form previous slide. Only the TOF followed fully given convention. To be fixed. – Monalisa calibration status