1 Oscillating motions in the stable atmosphere of a deep valley Y. Largeron 1, C. Staquet 1 and C. Chemel 2 1. LEGI, Grenoble, France 2. NCAS-Weather, University of Hertfordshire, UK OGOA workshop, Lyon, May 2013
2 Katabatic wind After sunset the ground surface cools (infra-red emission) → formation of a cold layer of air along the sloping surface → this cold layer flows down by gravity
3 Katabatic wind oscillations time Potential temperature measured on the valley floor with microwave profiler, night sept. (Van Gorsel et al. 2004) Riviera valley (Switzerland) Mesoscale Alpine Program-MAP (2000) Temporal oscillations in the katabatic wind? Or internal gravity waves? Height above the ground
4 Numerical simulations ARPS code (Advanced Regional Prediction System) Idealized 3D topography Constant Brunt-Vaisala frequency (8 runs: from 2 K/km to 15 K/km) T air - T ground = 3 o Soil model Horiz. resolution: 200 m/100 m/50 m, vert. resolution : 5 m (bottom) For horiz. resolution 200 m : 121 (x) x 103 (y) x 140 (z) grid points Computation starts at 22:00 on dec. 21st (45 o latitude)
5 Oscillations in the katabatic wind Along-slope velocity versus coordinate normal to the slope at t=95 min Along-slope velocity versus time at 12 m above ground level
6 Oscillations in the katabatic wind Mechanism of oscillations: the katabatic wind flows down in a stable medium (along a cooling ground ) Fluid particle model of McNider (1982) for a simple slope in a constant N fluid: the wind velocity should oscillate at frequency N sin ( :slope angle) Along-slope velocity at a given location in the katabatic wind Results consistent with in situ measurements (e.g. Gryning et al. 85, Helmis & Papadopulos 96, Monti et al. 02) = N sin =44° 21° = N sin
7 Group velocity Oscillations in the katabatic wind But... dispersion relation of internal gravity waves: = N sin where is the angle of the wave group velocity with horizontal. Could these oscillations of frequency N sin be associated with waves whose group velocity is along the slope? We found no phase propagation in the katabatic wind: these oscillations are temporal oscillations only Wave vector
8 Emission of internal gravity waves by the katabatic wind Phase lines of w in (x,z) plane at t=25 minat t=45 min The waves are emitted at the nose of the katabatic wind, where a hydraulic jump occurs (e.g. Renfrew 2004). The phase lines have the same inclination along the slope → the wave frequency does not depend upon the slope angle.
9 (z=2200m) Emission of internal gravity waves by a katabatic flow Frequency of the wave field 1. No dependence upon the slope angle sin
10 Emission of internal gravity waves by a katabatic flow Frequency of the wave field 2. No dependence of /N upon N /N 0.9 cf. Wu 69, Cerasoli 78, Sutherland & Linden 02, Jacobitz & Sarkar 02, Dohan & Sutherland 03 /N averaged along the valley axis versus N
11 Emission of internal gravity waves Wavelengths of the wave field → the wavelengths are of the order of the depth of the valley Compute cx from figure; x =c x T x 1400 m. z can be read from the figure : z 1300 m. Vertical velocity plotted at y=15 km, z=800 m Vertical velocity plotted at y=15 km, x=-0.6 km
12 Conclusions Two distinct systems of oscillation in the stably-stratified atmospheric boundary layer of a valley: In the katabatic wind, at frequency sin temporal oscillations of the wind only (not a trapped wave field) Emission of an internal gravity wave field by the katabatic wind, at frequency and wavelengths depth of the valley Chemel C., Staquet C., Largeron Y., 2009 Generation of internal gravity waves by katabatic winds in an alpine valley. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 103, 179. Largeron Y., Staquet C., Chemel C., 2013 Characterization of oscillating motions in the stable atmosphere of a deep valley. Boundary-Layer Meteorology (in press).
13 Questions How does wave emission occur ? What does set the wave frequency ? And the wave amplitude ?
14 Oscillations in the katabatic wind “ We found no phase propagation in the katabatic wind: these oscillations are temporal oscillations only » (t,z) diagram of the vertical velocity over 3 hours in the katabatic flow